Chapter Fifteen

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Maybe we could've been friends, if I met him in another life. Maybe we could've had something different, some different circumstances that could've changed our love story but that wasn't the case.

The thought that we couldn't be together because of how he perceived me. I hated the fact that it was the only thing ringing in my mind. That's what he thought of me and a piece of his mind will always.

With the tears pouring down like a waterfall, my chest burns, but I had to work today. I had to continue my work even though we broke up yesterday.

The worst part is that we're playing the dramatic scene of Elvis' and Priscilla's break up. We had to re-enact it to perfection because that was our jobs. It was the worst time to play it though.

Touching up my Priscilla's wig, I take in a deep breath as I prepare myself for the worst. I had to be stronger than this. But it wouldn't be the worst thing if I just went to my father, finally bringing us together again.

But I had a role to continue.

Picking myself up, I amble on towards the set where we're supposed to act. The air feels heavier as I feel the tears threaten to fall. Even though this whole thing happened, he really meant something to me. He was something important and amazing to me.

What takes me off guard, which is a little unusual, is when I bump into Austin. He was with Baz as he's already propped up. My eyes wander to him as he looks down onto me, his eyes burning with salty tears.

"Lillith, finally, you're here. You ready?" Baz asks as he pulls me in a quick hug.

Nodding, I try to smile. "Ready as I'll ever be, Baz," I whisper as I try to hold the tears back in. I couldn't face him.

As everyone gets into their positions, I prepare myself. It was perfect because I could finally cry. I could become the perfect Priscilla as the whole point was the heart break and tears that came with it all. I was ready to let these emotions go.

"And action!" Baz exclaims.

Snapping into character, I stare into Austin's eyes. "Is it the women?" Austin asks as he clicks into character as well. He plays the dramatic role of Elvis when he was high and drunk.

My eyes snap onto the drugs on the sink, clearly scattered around and used. "It's not about those women, Elvis, it's about these drugs. Look what's happened to you!" I exclaim as I begin to throw handful of drug holders in his direction.

"Priscilla, baby, listen to me," he slurs as he tries to catch up to me. However, I keep walking down the stairs with the cameras hovering all over me. I stare into those same eyes I fell in love with.

"I don't understand, Elvis. I am your wife, your wife," I snap as I gesture to myself. I feel the tears pouring down my face as I realise they were for more than this particular scene. "And Lisa is your daughter. She needs her father," I continue to spill my lines.

I shake my head as I walk down the stairs. "I am her father," Austin voices which cause me to stop in my tracks. I stand at the door way, looking up at him as his red eyes try to tell me a message.

"Do you remember when we last laughed together? When the three of us sat down and ate dinner together?" My voice trembles, as I recall all those moments I had with Austin in reality.

His eyes burn holes onto me as he sits down on the lower step. "Please don't leave me," Austin voices as his deep voice trembles. I could feel my heart break as I witness the scene unfold.

I step into my role and walk towards him slowly. I feel his large hands hug my waist as he buries his face onto me. "I can't do this alone, Priscilla. I can't do this without you," he mumbles as he breaks down, the tears flowing and voice cracking. My own heart breaks.

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