Chapter Twelve

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The darkness holds such misery as I feel my tortured soul cry for help. I could feel myself trying to surrender to the darkness but I knew I couldn't. I hadn't lived with Austin a full and endearing life that I've hoped for.

I wanted to skydive with him. I wanted to walk the Harbour Bridge in Sydney with him. And I wanted to raise a family together with him. Call me clichè but it's something I've always dreamt of. Now that I had a man, I could see the full picture so clearly within my mind.

The voices. I could hear voices so clearly in my head but I couldn't see their faces. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew people were hovering over me. Especially Austin. I could hear his voice so clearly.

I had hoped for so much to be destroyed within seconds with the paparazzi. I guess that was the price of becoming famous and playing important roles. But I didn't know it would be this extreme to faint and lose myself in the process.

However, something does capture my attention. Rather but someone. He seems all too real as I see the sharp features of his face, to his hazelnut curls and slender and tall figure.

It wasn't just anyone, but my father.

"Dad?" I whisper with my wide eyed gaze. I just couldn't believe what I was witnessing and how it came to be. He was dead, so did that mean I was too?

With his sapphire-lit irises sparkling against the sun's rays, a smile radiates off his pearly white teeth. "Lillith? Is that really you?" He asks with a voice I remember all too well. I had it memorised ever since his tragic death.

"Yes, I'm here. But what are you doing here? I thought you were dead," I ask.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he nods. "I am dead. The question is why are you here? This is my home," he explains as he takes a few steps closer towards me. "But, do you wanna come home with me too?" He asks as he extends out his hand for me.

Gazing onto it, I question all his motives. Obviously there was more to it, considering he was dead and wanted to drag me down with him. But did I want to come with him? I haven't seen him for ages and I could feel all these emotions that were dug deep finally resurface.

I shake my head. "But I don't want to go home with you yet, dad," I whisper. Now this leaves a pure shock look onto his face. It wasn't something I was used to. "It's not that I don't want to but I have someone who I don't want to leave yet," I quickly explain with a smile.

"You have someone?" He asks.

I nod. "Yes, I do. He's really funny and good to me. He's changed alot since our time together and I think you'll really like him," I quickly try. I had to try and state my side of the argument, make him see that I had a reason to be alive.

"But you have to be careful, Lillith. You may think he'll have all the good intentions, but does he really? Why did he hate you in the first place? Did you even ask why?" He asks curiously.

In fact, I had asked why. However, Austin never had the intentions of opening up and telling me the answer. I never pushed him because I thought he finally likes me, why should I know now?

"No, I hadn't asked why, dad," I whisper.

"You're a smart girl, Lillith. I don't want a random man you've met pull you down when you're capable of so much. You deserve love and respect, I taught you that," he states as he places a warm touch onto my cheek. I sink into it.

I nod. "You're right. But I know he's changed. He's capable of so much,"  I say as a smile tugs onto my pink lips.

"Let him prove it to you. But in this case, I'll be looking over you. I've heard you talk to me, and I've talked back to you too," he smiles as he envelops me into a hug.

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