Chapter 1 Endless cycle

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What in his life it had lead to this? It's what Shane kept asking himself over and over. He also kept questioning when should be his last beer of the night, but always came to the same conclusion. Just one more. But one was never enough was it? One more was 5 then 10 drinks behind. Yet he kept drinking. Getting intoxicated was the only escape he had of his miserable life. Life that wasn't much other then that. He was 30, working at a dead end job, the only job he could work in the small valley, that sucked out all of the hopes and dreams he once had. Where was the guy that was going to be an amazing football player? Apparently he, and all of his dreams, died the day he had that injure. But would not break his leg even change the outcome? He was scum. He still lives whit his aunt for god sake. He can't even provide for his godaughter. Yet another drink was down. Thinking about Jas made him feel guilty, but isntead of doing anything about it he just continued drinking. Right now it was almost closing time for the saloon, people were leaving left and right, and soon he had to leave two. But it was snowing and he really didn't want to do it. He heard an unfamiliar voice, but he was too gone to get a good look at the person's face, all he could gather was a voice he couldn't pin if it was coming from a woman or a men. The identity of this person was all a mystery and he didn't like it. He didn't want some mystery man to come and mock him. He was sure that the only reason someone would approach him at that hour while he's that drunk was either Gus kicking him out, or they would mock him.

Man: Hey dude are you alright?

Shane: FuCk oFf!

Man: Hey bud if I could I would, but like you're really fucked up you're sure you don't need help walking home? I wouldn't want anyone to pass out on the snow, it's really dangerous this time of year.

Is this fucker trying to kidnap me or something?

Man: Want me to get Marnie so she helps?- the older panicked, there was nothing that he wanted the least then for his aunt to pass by and see him like this.

Shane: No! nO mArNiE!- he said before aggressively finishing the final drink of the night and getting up violently- I'm fInE! NoW gO fUcK wHiT sOmEoNe ElSe!- he said before flitting the scene. Leaving the young man rather confused and intrigued by him.

Shane forgot his coat inside the saloon, that was how fast he left, wich was surprising for someone in his state. But after all he could hold his liquor, it came whit being an alcoholic. It took a lot to make his mind fuzzy and not much for him to sober up. He walked through the cold, it certainly brought him back to reality and whit it back his thoughts.

I'm a disgrace, I should freeze to death before I get there so I don't see Marnie's disappointing look..  or Jas sad one..

He thought has he entered the cindersap forest, passing through Leah's house, shivering and trembling. He then stood outside of his door, freezing his finger tips has he searched for the right key, trying to not be loud, but his drunken state wasn't that sensible and, before he could do anything, Marine opened the door, whit the most annoyed look.


Marnie: Get in.- she sighed, the other doing so, closing the door behind him and leaning on it, his breathing still fast from the suffocating cold- Yoba give me pacients cuz I need it otherwise I might smite you...- she said rubbing her eyes- Look at you! You can't stand up, you stink of beer and you forgot your jacket.- she whispered yelled- What? You want to freeze to death now? Have you got no respect left?! Not for yourself, I know that's long gone, but for your goddaughter?...

Silence followed. A true show for the lack of honor he had.

Marnie: I can't whit you Shane, it's a working night, I'm tired. Go warm yourself, I don't want you to end up on a hospital tonight.- she said going back to her room.

The men sighed, seating down on the ground now, rubbing his templates.

Shane: I'm a fucking disgrace...

He muttered, before taking a minute to recollect his thoughts and get up. He stumbled to his bedroom, locking the door once he was inside. He sighed again, before collapsing on his bed, passing out.
Shane groaned hearing the deafening alarm, it was 6 am once more and he needed to go to work. He got up, seating down rubbing his eyes, his head hurt like hell. On top of that he was nauseous and was still sticking off beer. He slowly got up, getting rid of his joja mart jacket throwing it to the side. He rushed to his bedroom's bathroom, wich wasn't that big but held the essentials, he got to the toilet, spewing his guts out. The poison left his body, but it had done it's damage. There was no turning back. In fact, this whole routine was part of the ordinary, it was the whole reason he woke up at the time he did. Half an hour passed and he finally had finished vomiting. Now the man took off his clothes and hooped inside the shower cubical. Shane enjoyed the comfort of the warm water, it was the only comfort he had lately, but nothing good lasts long, has the cold water hit him, he gasped for air. Has usual he took long and the heater had gone out again. They really needed to fix it. But that was a problem for another time. He hopped out of the shower and got some clean clothes. After he got dressed he finally went outside,it was around 7 am, he made breakfast for himself, rarely anyone else was up this hour. Once he was done whit breakfast he went back to his bedroom, brushing his teeth and staring into his reflection. His hair was still a mess, his five o'clock shadow was very prominent and nothing could hide his giant eyebags. He snapped out of his daze, finishing brushing his teeth. Afterwards he opened the cabinet where the mirror was, he ignored the various pain medication he took for his hangovers and got the shaving cream and a razor. He closed the cabinet and after finishing shaving, he cleaned the razor, sighing has he looked at the clock then the sink.

Shane: 7:15am... I'm really gonna do this... Yoba what has my life come to.- he sighed pulling up his sleeves before going to town.

Hi there!! I just wanted to warn that before chapters I don't put the trigger warnings, so I urge you to read the description!!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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