Chapter 4 Farmer

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Shane groaned, has he slowly opened his eyes, being blinded by the light coming from the fireplace, Shane sat up examining where they were. He was seating in top of some fluffy blankets on the floor, on top of him there were some blankets, he noticed how his bigger jacket was off. He looked around the strange house, he could only see the living room. The floors where hardwood the walls were a dark blue. He heard the tv was on, turning to were the sound was coming. There was a big tv, next to it was a shelve, filled whit books and niknkas, some raising suspicion, like the weird medical like glass vial. He then noticed the coffee table infront of the black couch. On the couch, the owner of the mystery house, whit a blanket on his legs.

Man: Oh thank Yoba you're awake.

Shane: How did I get here?- he asked, looking the other in the eyes.

Man: I was coming home and I saw you... I put you near the fire so you'd warm up, but if you want you can seat next to me.- he said patting next to him, Shane reluctantly went sit besides him, feeling bad- I only told Marnie that you were spending that night... She doesn't know why you're here.

Shane: Who even are you?- he asked confused.

Truth being told his mind was flooding whit questions but that was what came out.

Man: I'm the town's farmer.- he said smiling.

Shane: Alright... Are you going to tell me your name or are you still going to be criptic?

Man: Eh I like messing whit you... Besides if I told you all now, you never would speak to me... I know guys like you. You can't stand help, even tho you desperately need it.- the older sighed, he was to tired to try and argue whit him.

Shane: So it's that evident... God I hate this.

Man: Then let me help.

Shane: You don't even know why I was in the snow why would I ever let you in?

Man: Because you need someone.

Shane: Even if I do, I don't deserve anyone. I hurt everyone around me. Leave me alone now, before it happens to you.

Man: I don't believe that will happen. And even if you hurt me, I know it will never compare to how you're hurting yourself.- he said putting a hand to his shoulder. It hit a nerve. How could someone new in the valley ever know that? Was he that obvious of a wreck?

Shane: Alright that's enough, I'm leaving.- he said getting up.

Man: I won't mention it anymore, just stay. It's to cold outside and you just got your temperature back to normal.- the older sighed before speaking, seating besides the brunette.

Shane: You really are lonely aren't you?- he asked annoyed.

Man: Yeah, but aren't you too?- the man sighed, pulling the blanket he had onto his legs.

Shane: Got me....

Man: Yeah, I know.- he said smiling, before getting up- Do you want some hot cocoa? You seamed to like it.

Shane: Yeah...

The younger was gone for a few minutes came back whit two mugs seating besides him. He handed the taller a mug, him drinking from it.

Man: After that we should probably go to sleep, I'll get you some stuff, if you want to stay up and see some tv I don't blame you.

Shane: Why are you being so nice?

Man: Dude I don't know if the severity of the situation hit you but like, you almost died.

Shane: It's weird I don't think I can say I feel bad about it...- he let out, not realizing he was letting more then he wanted. For the first time he was being openly vulnerable, whit a totally unknown person.

Man: So you really are that self destructive?

Shane: What do you even know man? You just seat there and judge me.

Man: I'm not judging you. I've been where you are. That's part of the reason I am here. But that's enough for tonight, I'm going to sleep.- he stated getting up, going upstairs and coming back whit a big blanket and a pillow the other got the two things and got comfortable- Goodnight Shane.

Shane: Goodnight mystery man.- the other chuckled hearing that and went upstairs.

The older laid back, he didn't know what to think. He was more miserable then before but he, for the first time, had opened up to someone. He sighed, before turning off the tv and going to sleep.
The alcoholic woke up to the smell off coffee. He followed it until he got to a humble kitchen. It had bege and white tiles on the floor, the walls were green and in the middle of it, stood the so called mystery man, in a oversized black hoodie, baggy gray sweat pants and fuzzy black socks. In his face was some pimples, that seemingly appeared overnight. The older stood there whitout his jacket, not realizing he had exposed his scars, but no attention was payed to them, not even staring, instead the guy smiled warningly.

Man: Hey dude, want some coffee?

Shane: Sure...- silence followed, the boy grabbed a mug and got some coffee to the other.

Man: Aren't you like, hella hang overed?

Shane: Like I have time for it... Besides the headache seams appropriate punishment for what I let happen.- the farmer handed him the coffee, has he did he spoke.

Man: It's not your fault. Gus shouldn't had let you leave like that. Not by yourself... Maybe if I was the- Shane interrupted him.

Shane: You've done enough... Even more then people I before considered my friend....

Man: Does that make me your friend now?- he questioned, the other chuckling.

Shane: You wouldn't want that believe me....- he said before drinking more coffee- I... Don't let this get to your head but...- he continued, putting down the empty coffee mug on the sink, only then getting wind of his scars being out for him to see- Thanks.- he said before leaving the kitchen, getting his jackets and leaving, has he did he heard from the kitchen.

Man: I'll see you at the saloon tonight!

Just great, now he's using my addiction to talk to me...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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