Chapter 9 Father figure

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Shane was woken up by Maru, who was bringing in his lunch. He sat on the bed, has she handed him the tray. He looked around the room has he ate. Ian was nowhere to be seen. Did he just live to take care of his farm or did he gave up on him? He sighed. What was the truth and what was the lies his insecure brain told him? Lately it had been difficult to set them apart. He continued to eat by himself, something he wasn't quite used to. This was the consequences of his actions? Did everyone finally leave him, like he wanted? Most likely. He sighed again, unable to cry. Was attempting the right choice? He felt so, and being lonely only made that feeling stronger. He finished eating seating down the tray on the chair nerby. He laid back, wanting to cry. Then he heard the door open. Was it even worth it to look at it? Well his question was answered really quickly, had he felt someone jump into his bed.

Jas: Shane!!- she said excitedly, hugging the other who sat up smiling has he hugged her back. He noticed the farmer standing by whit a smile. The older pulled away.

Shane: How are you doing darling? Are Marina and Pearl fine?- he asked mentioning their blue and white chickens the girl smiled.

Jas: Yup! How are you? Ian told me you were sick.- the other two shared a look, the older nodded, has if to thank Ian. Then he sighed.

Shane:It's true.

Jas: Wait can I get sick from hanging out whit you?- she asked worried, the taller shaking his head, giving a small chuckle.

Shane: No darling it's not type of sickness.

Ian stood back, watching how caring Shane was whit his goddaughter. How his eyes light up when he saw her. How he always managed to smile around her. Jas held Shane's entire hope, she truly was one of the few reasons Shane was up to try and be alive. All he wanted it's for her to have a calm and happy childhood. Something Ian didn't have. He envied Jas in some way, he wanted that his parents were so caring like Shane, that even at his worse put on a smile to cheer her up.

Jas: What type of sickness is it?- the men sighed, he wasn't able to lie to the little girl.

Shane: Well I... It's a head sickness. The doctor asked me to go have some special consultations out of town to meet a special mind doctor. He'll help me be better.

Jas: Ohhh ok! I hope this helps!- she said grabbing a get well soon card she made, Shane smiled, holding his tears.

Shane: It does darling.- he said before hugging her.

Jas: Oh and me and Ian picked you some flowers!- the older stared at him, Ian's cheeks were rosey, has he handed the other some flowers, he smiled like a fool, but he was not the only one, Shane also smiled a bit taken back. No one had ever got him flowers- Can I tell you a secret?- she whispered.

Shane: Sure.

Jas: We didn't pick up anything, Ian bought you those!- she whispered, loud enough for the farmer to hear, his face redder has he looked away, Shane would be lying if he said his face wasn't a little flushed. There was a quick moment of silence, Shane taking in the information, Ian cared enough to BUY him flowers. He felt happy. For once, in this moment, he felt happy again. Ian and Jas made him happy. Love was a powerful thing.

Shane: That's thoughtful... Anyways darling I'm gonna ask you to leave whit Ian for a moment, I need to get dressed so I can go home.

Jas: Oh ok!!- she said has she left the room, Ian chuckled.

Ian: The town kids are so carefree, when I was her age I was terrified to leave my parents, I thought I'd get kidnapped.

Shane: That's so sad...

Ian: Is it? It's just surviving in the city...

Shane: Hey Ian... I'mma take that offer. I'll stay at your place for a while. I doubt Marnie wants to see me right now.

Ian: Oh, it's great that I just finished building the bed on the extra room!

Shane: You have an extra room?

Ian: Well of course. My mother did live in this house. She had her own room. It's not girly anymore, so don't worry about that.... You can stay has long has you need... Or want.- he said before leaving the bedroom. A few moments passed, Shane came out of the room, holding onto the flowers. He held his goddaughter's hand and the three of them walked to Marnie's place.

Once inside, Marnie went to her bedroom when she saw Shane, whitout mentioning a word to him. The men went over to his bedroom, got some clothes and put them into a bag, then he walked outside were Ian waited for me. They both walked back to the other's house.

Shane:... Thanks Ian... Thanks for bringing Jas.- he said looking at the ground, the other smiled.

Ian: It's nothing dude... You held things well at the hospital... You're a good father figure to her.-Shane, stopped his eyes watering, all he ever wanted was to give that kid the life that she deserved and calling him that touched him- Hey you ok dude?- he asked turning back and walking up to the other, who threw himself into his arms, almost kicking off the other's balance. The younger hugged back, rubbing his back. After a bit the older composed himself, pulling away from the hug, whipping off his tears and going back to walking.- I'm glad you feel comfortable sharing those feelings whit me.- he said to break the deafening silence, has they got to his house.

Shane: You're my friend... If I don't share them whit you who will I do it whit?- he asked, the other's heart skipping a beat. Progress was being made. The younger closed the door has the other put his jacket on the coat hanger. Ian did the same before taking the other inside. They went upstairs, the other introducing the white and black bedroom. There was a single bed in the middle, on it's left, besides the bedside table, there was a desk and on the other there was a wardrobe.

Ian: I'll let you set in... If you want to explore the house it's up to you. Just don't look through my stuff.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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