Chapter 2 Mystery man

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It was a good hours into the job, Shane was well into his second cup off coffee to keep himself awake and he had snuck a beer or two, to keep himself moving. He was refiling the shelves when he heard someone call for them. A voice vagally familiar to him but he didn't know where it was from. He turned behind them, being faced whit a shorter then him, which was a hard task, man, he had dark green eyes and brown almost black hair. Their skin was burned in a face, the rest of their body was gently kissed by the sun. He wore a black hoodie and some baggy pants and some work boots. Their figure was familiar has well, but whitout the clear memories of last night he couldn't attribute a body to the voice not even fully connect where he heard his voice from.

Man: Hey Shane, are you better from last night?

Shane: What kind of a question is that?!- he asked has he went back to work, turning his back to the young men.

Man: Oh for fucks sake you've forgotten about me that easily?... Alright. Checks out.

Shane: I don't know you dude. So why won't you go shop and leave me alone? I'm not exactly payed to chat up the clients.

Man: We'll speak later...- he said before sighing - I do have errands to run, but I came back to give you this.- he stated before handing the other his lost coat. Shane snatched it from his hand and whitout thanking or goodbye's he left to the employees room, putting the snow jacket next to his stuff.

Not long after he continued to refill shelves, the mystery man long gone. Not that Shane was intrigued by him. No, he wasn't. In fact he didn't care. It was just yet another person that sooner or later will hate him. Has everyone does. The valley has learned to not interact whit him for a reason. He burns bridges everywhere he goes. It's just the facts. The only ones lefts was Jas and the mystery person. He knew that Marnie by now resents him. She only lets him around because of his goddaughter. Then man sighed yet again, finished putting the products on the shelves, he went to the employees bathroom, locking himself up. He stared himself at the mirror.

Who am I even? What am I other then a failure?

He thought before taking off his joja mart jacket looking at the fresh wounds. The ones of this morning were burning quite a lot. They were the whole reason he took a break. He opened the sink before running water over the wounds. He then closed the water before taking a deep breath.

This is going to hurt.

He thought before putting soap on his arm, hissing at the action. He kept it down though and continued to work fast, to not raise suspicions. Once his arm was clean he went back to work, whit his arms consealded, of course.

After work, Shane did his walk of shame to the saloon. He sat at the bar, not even questioning if he should order alcohol, imidiatly downing a beer. Then the cycle began. Once again drowning his sorrows. He sat down at the bar, by himself, his mind going on and on. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't look more vulnerable then he did right now. He looked around, the bar was full. That mystery man sat at the other end of the bar, chatting whit Marnie. His thoughts raced.

He can't be telling her about last night can he?.... He probably is. Fuck. Fuck. I hate this, I hate this. I just wanna die for fucks sake don't make my life harder.

He thought at the verge of tears, before he downed the drink. He picked up his jacket and a beer he had bought in joja market and went outside. He walked to the forest, this time not freezing his hole body. Isntead the cold just cut his face, has he made his way to the cliffs. He sat down on the edge, his feet dangling off it, yet, it did not bring on any anxiety or fears. The only thing he could think was about jumping. He ignored the thoughts, before opening a can of beer, drinking it to drown the thoughts. Even so, tears escaped his eyes, quickly freezing has they rolled down his face.

Shane: I'm so miserable.... I should just jump...- he muttered to himself - But then Jas would be sad... Her parents died already imagine if her godfather- he stopped himself, as if mentioning the word suicide would actually made it happen. It was weird for someone who craved death so much to refuse to say it, but he did, has a last ditch effort to make it not happen. He sighed before continuing - I'm cursed. I must really be.- he said before he laid on the fluffy snow, looking up at the moon- To want something this much and stopping myself from getting it, I really must be cursed.... I don't even care about my own responsibility so why, why is Jas making me feel so guilty I can't jump.- he asked the sky not really expecting it to answer. But an answer he heard.

Man: Because she's just a kid....- the mystery men said has he sat besides him, holding two hot chocolate mugs.

Shane: What do you even know? Don't sit there and pretend you have any idea of what everything that's going on.- he said not even looking at him.

Man: I wasn't.- they paused- I just saw you when I was leaving Marnie's place.... I wanted to pass by and give you this.- he said, granting the older men to sat down, looking over at him. The mystery man also sat at the edge of cliff, in a huge winter coat and gloves, a lot compared to Shane that just had his winter coat on and some warm pants. The man held two mugs handing one to the taller, who looked at them, not expressing anything- If you don't like it you can just use it to warm your hands.- the alcoholic grabbed the mug, the other was right, it felt good to hold it in his hand. He sipped it, rather enjoying it.

Shane: Why are you even here? I don't want your help, you know?

Man: I didn't say you needed it. I just came to bring that. Maybe sit besides you.

Shane: Like you weren't snitching on me to Marnie.- he scoffed, annoyed.

Man: I wasn't.

Shane: Like I'm gonna believe you.- he said before he put the empty mug down and got up- You know people like you always want something in return. But I don't have anything so go annoy someone else... Enjoy your stupid hot cocoa.- the older said before leaving the other by himself, making his way home.
Weirdly enough when he got home Marnie didn't complain about him reeking of beer. The mystery man had been successful at his task.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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