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After a good night's rest and speaking whit their child, Ian and Shane decided to go through whit it. At first they kept it secret bettewen their close family, Ian even went through the trouble to tell his parents who were over the moon about the idea. A month or two passed, bettwen the fertilization in vitro and the IVF to prepare Emily for the pregnancy. By the second try she got pregnant, even so they didn't spoke about anything until she hit the second trimester, which by then nothing could hide the fact she was pregnant. Also by then, in a routine ultrasound they found out Emily was carrying twins... Which in turn made Ian spiral down in anxity, leaving Shane unsure of what to do.... After a while, since Emily wanted to have kids, they decided she would keep one of them. They'd raise the kids together, has to not torn apart the bound that comes whit having a twin. Things were mainly fine, Emily had some complications during birth but it wasn't anything serious. The whole town would take turns on helping out whit the kids and everything was fine.

Ian's anxieties were for nothing, Jas loving her siblings and even if there were some harder times where either the farmer's or his husband would fall back into depression or old habits, they'd be there for each other and helped themselves out of those moments.

I know this isn't exactly what you'd like to hear, but, it's what I had to do. It hurts leaving this fic behind, has it comforted me through my break up and I really put a lot of my suicidal and worse thoughts into this story. Things that I have asked myself during the time of writting also translated into this. Like my favorite quote from here being 'is it really a good action to stop someone's suicide?'. I was and at the time of writing still struggle whit this thoughts, but seeing this two made up characters make things better makes me feel like there's some hope. I hope that gets through to you, readers, that might be feeling down. Sometimes you just have to read some angst to feel like you're heard, I get you. I just wish you the best, to not come down has far has I have. You're happiness means a lot to someone, if not anyone in your life consider me. I give my heart and soul to write this stories, to give you entertainment and nice moment's. I hope I have done it.
I'm now gonna start my masterpiece. Something I have been working for the last five years. My trilogy.

Please wait for my art, the one story I wish to make into books. The story that has been whit me through abuse and my attempt. My hope.
One last time here, I send you much love!


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