Chapter 32 Upage in dosage

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Ian woke up late today, he knew that maybe he should keep some sort of routine but, whitout feeding the farm animals or having any work to do he didn't have to wake up early. Even so, he was able to make it to his online appointment, he just had to eat has they spoke. He entered the zoom meeting, seeing his therapist seating on the other side. Ian sat on his bed, door closed and lock, he didn't want Shane to hear what he was saying. Even if he and the taller were close, the farmer needed his privacy.

Ian: Morning Doc.- he said not so enthusiastic, he regretted, the appointment, he didn't want to be there speaking whit them, but he did.

Psychiatrist: Good morning Ian, could you please turn on your camera? It would make it easier to asse you.

Ian: Alright, I am eating tho.- he added, doing so.

Psychiatrist: Why did you make this emergency consultation? You know if you need your prescription refilled, you could've just asked me.

Ian: Yeah it's not about that... Well it might be. I'm feeling depressed. Again.

Psychiatrist:Why? The last time we spoke you and your therapist had astablished that you were ready to be off serotonin.

Ian: I had a hysterectomy and having to stop my routine because of it isn't helping.

Psychiatrist: Have you spoken whit your therapist about it or have you gone directly to me?

Ian: To you.... My therapist is on vacation, I didn't want to bother them.

Psychiatrist: Alright...- they sighed before going off- I will prescribe you whit a dose of the medication. Start by taking half of it and go up from there, you know the drill by now. I suggest you take on a hobby of some kind has well. Get you off your head... Now don't pick up anything that involves sharp objects, or is dangerous, has that might trigger more of your depressive thoughts...

After the session, Ian got up, he had to do something. Unsure of what to pick up has a hobby he went over to Marnie's place, they sat on the kitchen, the shop was open but if anything happened she could just go there. They all were having lunch, Jas being there has well, the girl was comfortable enough to speak whit Ian but she was still uncertain about him.

Ian: So yeah, thanks to the surgery I haven't been able to take care of farm duties, Shane has been covering me, poor thing.

Marnie: That sounds boring! How about you hang out whit us?

Ian: I don't know if I'm overstepping in here.

Marnie: You aren't Ian. You're family now and family hangs out, so come pass by and talk to us, maybe help Jas whit homework.

Ian: Thanks.... I'm thinking of maybe picking up something like crochet, you happen to know?

Marnie: I'm not good whit it, but, I have some yarn and some hooks if you want.

Ian: Really?! Well that's convenient... I'll get some patterns from Emily, she has a knack clothes, she'll probably help.

Marnie: You? Talking to Emily?- she asked raising an eyebrow, Jas looked intrigued by the drama, has she blew bubbles on her drink.

Ian: Yeah, we're on ok therms. That said I'm not sure if she resents me for dating Shane but she doesn't seam that petty. She's always talking about spiritual stuff and growth so one might imagine she's fine whit it.

Marnie: It didn't seam like you were going to speak to her ever again since you two came out.

Ian: I mean, she put me on the spot and I didn't like it, but disliking people in town is kinda to much... Besides I would be so paranoid I would go insane.

Marnie: I understand... You're such a kind young man Ian, you'd make a great father one day.- she said, putting a hand on the other's shoulder.

Ian: I don't know... I'm still not sure if I should have kids or not. I want to work on myself to be a good dad.

Jas: I think you'd make a good one two.- she finally spoke, the other two looking shocked at what she said.

Ian: Why do you think Jas?

Jas: You're nice! And you helped Shane be happy so you could make a good dad!- the man's heart melted, unsure if this meant Jas liked him or not, but sure that she meant good when she said that.

Ian: I'm glad you think so Jas.- he said smiling.

Marnie: Ian all I'm going to say isn't exactly from being a mother, I never was and unfortunately never will be, but it's what I learned from raising Shane and Jas. It always seams worse then it is.

Ian: You raised Shane?

Marnie: Well yes, during his teens I did. After his dad died when he was young his mother kinda entered a depression, Shane wasn't that well, so after a year or two they moved into the house. At first they were both in Jas' current bedroom, but after me organizing my things he got his bedroom. Two years after his mother also passed away. It comes naturally, specially whit some initial help... You know Shane would help you every step of the way.

Ian: Yeah... Yoba I love him so much...- he sighed, looking at Jas- Can you keep a secret?- the girl nodded- Ok you don't tell Shane about what I'm about to say, I want to surprise him... But I want Marnie's and your's opinion.- he said breaking eye contact, now looking at his hands, has he fidgeted- I've been saving up money in case I wanted to do it but, now I have the money I just keep asking myself... Should I take the next step?

Marnie:No, you certainly don't mean?...

Ian: Proposing? Yeah, I mean that.

Marnie: Are you sure? Cuz it is a big step.

Ian: That's the thing I don't know. I want to do it when I feel better and when he's also stable but whit our minds, I don't know if we'll ever sink.... Besides we never spoke about the possibility so yeah. That's the problem to me has well, I'm not sure of what he wants.

Marnie: You can always go back, even if you two decide you're not ready to be engaged, yet, you can keep on whit your relationship.... Jas what do you think? You want Shane and Ian to get married or you think it's to early on?- she asked, Jas feelings in this situation were also important, Ian didn't want her to feel bad about it, or get upset because she still wants to live whit Marnie and Shane and him getting married would stop things from getting back to normal.

Jas: It's fine...- she said whit a sad tone.

Marnie: Hey, darling, you can tell us the truth.

Jas: Just that... I want to still live whit Shane.

Ian: Jas, you still can.... If you want to move in whit us it's up your choice, we'll get the room ready whenever, if ever, you decide to live whit us.

Jas: But the room is dark.

Ian: We can put a night light if you want and we could paint the walls however you like them!

Jas: Really?!

Ian: Yeah.- he said smiling.

Ian had warmed up to Jas, although she didn't felt like a daughter to him, it was close, she felt like family. Her happiness was becoming ever more important to him, besides, having her around the house would cheer him up. And after all, the walls are soundproof so, even tho Shane and Ian couldn't exactly scream, they could get away whit having sex, has long has it wasn't in the middle of the day.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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