The Prologue !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is the Prologue of my Second FOURTRIS FF !!! Just wanted to let you guys know that.....The accident has not happened yet !!! Hope you guys like the Prologue !! And be sure to check out the Media section of this chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy the Prologue !! :)

Tris's POV

It's been 4 months since I've been married to the legendary four AKA my Tobias. I just love him so much and I know that he loves me a lot. We both are instructors and we train together under the name " 4 & 6 ".

The rest of the gang is also married to their better halves !!! The Pairs are : Will and Christina,Shauna and Zeke,Uriah and Marlene and the last one.....Destiny and Ethan !!! Destiny is Tobias's little sister !! And Ethan....Her "former Erudite" husband !! Both of them fell in love with each other during Initiation !! Just like me and Tobias !! (A/N : The last pair Destiny and Ethan are not a part of the Divergent series !! If you guys want to know more about Destiny and Ethan....Then read my First FF "Fourtris Infinity" !!!)

When it's not initiation time I usually work in the tattoo parlour with Tori whereas Tobias works in the control room with Zeke. I took a day off from work today and Tobias is not home so that's the reason I'm dreaming about my blissful life.

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There a knock at the door and I instantly know that it's my Tobias.I happily go open the door and find Tobias standing.Ha !! My sixth sense !! "Evening,handsome" , I greet him.

"Evening,beautiful",He greets back and Kisses me !!

He then comes in and sits on the couch !! I go and sit next to him !! He wraps his arms around me !!

"How was work ??",I ask wrapped in his arms.

"I love you Tris !!",He replies freeing me of his grip.

"Huh ?? As far as I know,Your reply should've been....It was Good or It was Bad...not I love you Tris !!",I say smiling.

"Yeah I know that !! Work was good !!",He replies.

"That's Better !! I love you Tobias !!",I say grinning.

"I love you too Tris !!",Tobias says and Kisses me again !!

I love Tobias so much !! I am so glad to have ever gotten him !! He is my life !! And I will never stop owing to god for giving me Tobias !! :)

A/N : That was the end of the Prologue !!! How was it ?? Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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