Chapter 43 : Reaction to the Confession.....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 43 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV 

"It's not because of that Tris !! It's because I love you !! And I can't let you risk your life like this.I can't let you go !!",Four screams.

He loves me !! Four loves me !! My Favourite Friend loves me !!

As soon as that sinks in...I feel guilty.Guilty that I wronged him.Wronged him of not wanting me to go because he think that I'm weak or a stiff.

I go closer to him.

"You love me ??",I ask still not being able to believe my ears.He nods.

"A lot",He says smiling a bit making me smile.

"I'm so Sorry for snapping at you and shouting at you",I say still upset.Four cups my face in his hands.

"It's Okay Tris.I overlook it",He says grinning.Gosh !! I love that smile !! I love him !!

I then lean forward and Kiss him.He is shocked at first but then kisses back.Our lips fit perfect on each other's !!

I break the kiss and put my forehead on his.

"I love you too Four",I say.He just smiles and kisses me.

"Aww !!",The Gang says and we immediately break the Kiss.I totally forgot they were here too!! I was so lost in Four.My love !!

After that Four doesn't say bye or anything but just walks out of Uriah's house.

After he leaves all of us look at each other.Then I realise :-

He went to Erudite !!!!

I run behind him and find him walking ahead.

"Four wait",I scream.He deliberately walks faster on hearing my calls.

"If you love me wait Four !!",I scream and he stops.I go towards him.

"You were just going to leave like that ?? No Bye ??",I ask.

"Tris I-",He begins but I cut him off.

"What were you thinking Four ?? That I'll let you go ??",I ask.

"Tris-",He says but I again cut him off.

"I'm not letting you go Four !!",I say.

"I'm not letting you go Tris !!",He says.

"Why don't both of you guys go where ever you need to go together and stop making such a lot of noise ??",A drunk man asks looking at us fighting and he just walks away.

That's a great idea !!! If we both go then I could protect him and he could protect me !!

I look at Four and the look on his face tell me that he's also thinking the same thing that I am.

Tobias's POV

That's a great idea !! Since we both won't let the other go.....its best that both of us go !! We can protect each other then.

"We'll both go then ??",I ask Tris.

"Yup",She says.

"I'm Sorry Tris for just leaving or I'd rather say for attempting to leave like that",I say.

"It's okay Four.I love you",Tris says making me smile.

"I love you too Tris",I say and kiss her.

We break the kiss after sometime.

We then go to the gang and tell them about the fact that both me and Tris are going to Erudite.They dislike this fact.But we convince them somehow and they agree.

Me and Tris then wish them goodbye and then head to the car.The car that came specially from Erudite for Divergents.

Me and Tris then get into the car,close the door,wave goodbye to our friends and the Dauntless from the window.

Then the driver starts the car.Tris rests her head on my shoulder.

I hope we are alive at the end of all of this mess !!!!

A/N : That was the end of the Forty Third chapter.How was the chapter ?? Tris and Four confessed their love for each other !! Yay !! What do you think will happen at Erudite ?? Anyways.....Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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