Chapter 59 : The Fourtris Baby !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 59 !! This is the last chapter before the EPILOGUE !! :'( Thank you for all your love and support !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !! Also make sure to check out the Media section of this Chapter !! So Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

———1 month later———

Tobias's POV

Tris is 9 months Pregnant now.Her due date was 2 days ago but still.....The baby shows absolutely no signs of coming out !!

Seems like my Little princess likes it in her Mommy's tummy.

Tris's belly is Extremely HUGE now !! She looks as if she has swallowed a Beach Ball.

"Tobias !!!",Tris screams and then comes and hugs me.

"Tris are you okay ??",I ask since she is acting like a lunatic.

"Yeah I am fine",She says.

"Then why the hug ??",I ask.

"Because I love my hubby so much !!",Tris says and kisses me.

See !! How crazy Tris's mood swings are ?? But I love her and our lil princess so much.

"I love you so-",Tris begins but pauses.I see her clenching her tummy.I then see pain on her face.

"Ahhhh !!!! The...Baby's coming...Tobias !!",Tris screams in pain.

"Oh...Okay !!",I say and run to the room in order to grab the Emergency Hospital Bag.I am really scared now !! Tris is in so much pain.

I grab the bag and run to the living room.Tears are all over Tris's face.

"Ahhh !! Its...Hurting a lot !!",Tris screams

"You are going to be fine Tris",I say and lift her.

I then quickly take her and the bag towards our Car.When we finally reach the place where our car is I see Zeke !! He was standing near his car which was next to mine.God knows what he was doing there.He sees me and Tris and understands the whole situation.

"Four.Get in my car.Fast",Zeke says.

"Why ??",I ask.

"If you go in your car then you will have to drive.So your can't help Tris.If you get in my car then I will drive and you can sit in the back seat with Tris and help ease her pain a little !!",Zeke says.I nod and help Tris inside his car first and then get in.

Zeke gets in the driver seat.

"Okay guys I am starting",he says.

"Ahhh !! Do It Quickly !!",Tris screams.Zeke starts the car.

I make Tris lie down on my lap.

"Ahhh !!! I am going to die To-Four !!",Tris says.

The thought of it breaks my heart !!

"No Tris you are going to be fine.Our lil princess is going to be fine !!",I say.

"Ouch !!",Tris screams.

"How much more time ??",She asks.

"Umm....10 min's ??",Zeke answers questioningly.

"10 Min's !! Ouch !! Ahh !!",Tris screams.

"Its Okay Tris you will be fine",I say caressing her face.

"It Hurts !!",Tris says.

"I know it does.But you have to do this Tris.For me,For yourself,For our lil princess !!",I say.She nods.

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