Chapter 8 : Meeting Four !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !!! Here is Chapter 8 !! I hope you like it !! Also Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Zeke's POV

We finally reach Four's room.Room number 46 (A/N : Room number Tobias and Tris !! :P) But before going in....I decide to tell the gang something.

"Guys !! None of us will talk about Tris.Or anything related to Four's past",I say.They nod.

It really hurt me to say that.Tris is not supposed to be Four's past !!! She is supposed to be his Future !! His whole life !! But a stupid accident ruined it all !!

We go inside Four's room.The Sight of Four shocks me and I immediately want to run away from there.I don't want to see my best friend like this.

He has a huge bandage on his head !!! Tubes and Tubes running across his body !! I know he is in so much pain !! All of us go close to Four.

"Hey Four !!",I say enthusiastically.Almost enthusiastically.

"Four ??",Four asks confused.

"Yeah !! That's your name",Uriah says smiling but anyone can tell that there is so much sadness hidden behind that smile.

"Why is my name a number ??",Four asks.

"Because you have only Four fears",Will says.

"Seriously ?!?!?",Four asks shocked.We all nod.

"But I thought my name was something else",Four says.

Something else ?? Ahh !! I get it !! Four has not forgotten his real name !!

"Four is only your nickname",I say.He just looks at me confused.

"Let us introduce ourselves to you.We are your friends.I am Christina,This is Will,This is Shauna,Zeke,Marlene,Uriah,Destiny-",Christina says changing the topic and pointing to each one of us but is cut off by Four !!

"Is Destiny my sister ??",He asks.

"Yeah !!",Destiny says overjoyed.

"How did you guess that ??",I ask.

"Because....she looks so much like me",Four says.

"You are quiet smart",Shauna says.

"Thanks.....I am sorry I forgot your name",Four says rather sadly and frustrated.

"Oh !! That's Okay !! My name is Shauna",Shauna says.

"Thanks Shauna.So are you Zeke's girlfriend ??",Four asks eyeing both of us.

"Umm....No",I say.

"No ?? I'm Sorry !! I just thought guys look good together",Four says.

"You don't have to be Sorry Four.She is my wife and not my girlfriend",I say smiling.Four grins.

"So are all of you guys married ??",He asks looking at all of us.Everyone nods.

"Let me guess !! Zeke and Shauna !! Will and......I'm Sorry I forgot your name",Four says looking at Christina.He is frustrated with himself !! Seeing him like this breaks me.I want him to remember everything.I want my old best buddy back.

"Its Okay Four !! I'm Christina",Chris says.

"Okay !! Will and Christina.Uriah and Marlene.Destiny and Ethan !!",Four says.

"What was the last pair you named ??",Ethan asks.

"Uhh....Destiny and You.....Ethan",Four says confused.

We all shoot Ethan a look.Why did he ask Four to repeat what he said ??

I am sure there was some motive behind that.He shoots us a look back implying that he will tell us later.

"I have a doubt",Four says.

"What is it ??",Mar and Uriah ask.

"Why is it that all of you guys are married and.....I'm not ??",Four asks.I wish we could tell him.I wish we could tell him that he is married.Married to Tris !! The love of his life.But unfortunately we cant !!

"Uhh....Because....You wanted to.....find the right one for yourself.And....You did not....find her yet",Des says lying.Four nods his head very confused.

"I don't get it.I don't get any of this.I don't remember anything.I am so very confused.I don't know anything !!",Four says putting his head in his hands.

"Its going to be okay Buddy.You are going to remember everything",Uriah says.

"Yeah !! You are going to remember everything Four",I say patting him.

"Thanks Uriah and Zeke !! Wait !!! Are you both brothers ??",Four asks.

"Yeah !!! That's right",Me and Uri say.Four smiles.

"See !! You are already remembering",Will says.Four nods and smiles at Will.

"Okay guys !! We have to go.The visiting time is about to get over !!",Chris says lying about the visiting time.She lied because we in actual have to go and see Tris as well !!

"Alright",Ethan says.

"Bye Four !!!",All of us say.

"Bye Guys !!",He says.

"Take care of yourself",I say to Four.He nods.

"When can I get out of ??",Four asks us.

"Umm....After some time Four.For now just take rest !!",Ethan says.

"Okay !!",Four says.

"Bye Four !!",We all say.

"Bye Guys !!",He replies back.

We all then exit the room.But before going to Tris's Room.....We ask Ethan the much awaited answer.

"Ethan !! Why did he ask Four to repeat what he said ??",Christina and Shauna ask.

"Chris.Remember you never introduced Four to me.He cut you off before you could !! But still he told my name !! Without you introducing me to him !!",Ethan says.

It take a moment for us to register what he just said.Then realization dawns upon all of us !!!

"Besides his real name....He also remembered your name Ethan !!",Destiny says.

"Yeah !!",Ethan says.I see happiness on everyone's faces.Happiness because Four remembered something.Something that we never told him !!

I knew it !! I knew that there was some motive behind Ethan asking Four to repeat what he said !!

"So guys !!! Now we have to go see Tris",Mar says.We nod.

Then we head straight towards Tris's Room !! Afraid of what we might see !!!

A/N : So that was the end of the Eighth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Things will get better eventually.....I promise !!! Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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