Chapter 12 : LIT FEST !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !!! Here is Chapter 12 !! I hope you like it !! Also be sure to Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

I finally reach the LIT FEST !! Finally I can buy Insurgent !!

I head to the first stall and ask for Insurgent.

"Uh...Excuse me.Do you have Insurgent ??", I ask.

"No Ma'am.Its Sold out !!", The book seller says.

"What ?!?!? So quickly ?? But Lit fest just started an hour ago !!", I scream.

"Thousands of people want that book Ma'am.I suggest you better go and try your luck at another stall rather than wasting your time here", The man says politely.

"Okay....Thanks", I say and head to another stall.

But the most unfortunate thing is....Even they ran out of Insurgent !! After going to 20 stalls......I finally find a stall that has Insurgent !!

"Insurgent ??", I ask.

"Well you are very lucky Ma'am. This is the last copy we have of it and you are really lucky to catch it !!", The book seller says.

"Oh !! I guess I'm really lucky then !!", I say smiling.

"I'll take it !!", I say and he hands over the book to me.

I take it from him.But just as I'm about to pay.....My phone starts ringing.

So I keep the book on the counter and move aside in order to receive the call !!

Tobias's POV

I finally reach the LIT FEST !! Finally I can buy Insurgent !!

I head to the first stall and ask for Insurgent.

"Uh...Excuse me.Do you have Insurgent ??", I ask.

"No Sir.Its Sold out !!", The book seller says.

"Okay....Thanks", I say and head to another stall.

But the most unfortunate thing is....Even they ran out of Insurgent !! After going to 20 more stalls......I finally find a stall that has Insurgent !!

I guess there is only a copy left of it because I see that there is only a solitary copy of it on the counter.

So I quickly go to that stall,Lift the book in my hand and pay for it !!

Yes !!! I finally have Insurgent now !!!

Then I then head straight towards my car.

And......that's when I hear a lady call out loud !! Probably for me !!

A/N : So that was the end of the Twelfth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Who do you think the lady is ?? Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember


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