Chapter 55 : I'm....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 55 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)  

Tris's POV

I take a deep breath,close my eyes and then say :-


I keep my eyes closed waiting for his reaction.He doesn't react at all.Probably he's gathering words in his head to scold me.

Just then I feel Tobias's lips on mine.I still don't open my eyes but I kiss back.We then break the kiss after sometime and I finally open my eyes.

Tobias's POV

Tris closes her eyes,takes a deep breath and says :-


What ?!?!? Tris is Pregnant !!

That's.....Great !! I can't believe it !! We're going to have a baby !! I'm going to become a Father !! 

I look at Tris.Her eyes are still closed.

Oh !! I get it !! She wants a reaction.

I don't say anything but I just press my lips to hers.I going to become a Dad !! That's so great !! I'm so damn happy !!

Tris kisses back but doesn't open her eyes.We finally break the kiss and she opens her eyes.

Tris's POV

Tobias has a huge grin on his face.I guess....He's happy !!

"Tobias.....Aren't you angry at me ??",I ask.

"Angry ?? Tris,Why would I be angry at you ?? Besides...I'm very happy Tris !! We're gonna be parents !!",Tobias says happily making me smile.

"I just thought....",I begin but don't finish it.

"And also....It's partially my fault as well so why would I be angry at you ??",Tobias asks winking.

I just smile at him.I'm so glad he loves this !!

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a Dad",Tobias says.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a Mom",I say.

"Hey your gonna be an amazing Dad",I say and at the same time he says :-

"Hey your gonna be an amazing Mom"

We just laugh at this.Our minds think so alike !!

"Thank you so much Tris !!",Tobias says.

"Why ??",I ask.

"For this",Tobias says placing his hand on my belly.I place my hand over his.

"Don't thank me Tobias.Partially this is your fault as well",I say making Tobias smirk.

"I love you Tris",Tobias says.

"I love you too Tobias",I say and then he leans in forward and kisses me.We kiss for a long time and then break the kiss.

Tobias then kneels down on the carpet,in front of me.He places his hand on my belly again.It feels so good when he does that !!

"Hey Baby !! This is your Daddy speaking.I just wanted to know that I love you and your mom",He says and then looks at me with so much love in his eyes.I smile at him.

"And I will always love you guys and protect you no matter what !!",Tobias says and then Kisses my tummy.I ruffle his hair.

Tobias is so cute !! He's going to be a great Dad.I can sense that now.Even thought the baby is not born yet !!

Tobias then gets off the carpet and then kisses me again.We make out for a few seconds then we break the Kiss.

"Tris !! I've got an idea",Tobias says.

"Idea ??",I ask.

"Let's go out today for Dinner",Tobias says.

"But-",I begin but he cuts me off.

"Tris !! No excuses.We're going out for Dinner today.A Date sort of",Tobias says.

"Date ??",I ask.

"Yeah !! Date.Wear something Gorgeous",Tobias says fliratiously and then kisses me one last time and then he goes towards the Kitchen.

"Tobias !! Why are you going into the Kitchen ??",I ask.

"I just realized that I forgot to switch on the Dishwasher",Tobias says ruffling his hair.Making me laugh.

"You're so Adorable !!",I say.

"And Clumsy",He says.

"A little bit",I say agreeing with him making him fake cry.

"I love you Tris",He says.

"I love you too Clumsy Smurf",I say and he whines.I go towards him and kiss him.

"That made it better",Tobias says and I playfully smack his arm.

Then I go inside the room in order to pick out the dress that I'll be wearing for the Date !!!!

A/N : That was the end of the Fifty Fifth chapter.How was the chapter ?? You guys guessed it right !! Tris is indeed Pregnant !! Anyways....Don't forget to leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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