Chapter 9 : Meeting Tris !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !!! Here is Chapter 9 !! I hope you like it !! Also be sure to Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Christina's POV

We finally reach Tris's room.Room number 64 (A/N : Room number Tris and Tobias !! :P) But before going in....I decide to tell the gang something.

"Guys !! None of us will talk about Four.Or anything related to Tris's past",I say.I said the same thing that Zeke said before we went to visit Four but the only difference is.....I switched the characters !! They nod.

It really hurt me to say that.Four is not supposed to be Tris's past.He is supposed to be her Future !! Her whole life !! But a stupid accident ruined it all !!

We go inside Tris's room.The Sight of Tris shocks me and I immediately want to run away from there !! I don't want to see my best friend like this.

She has a huge bandage on her head !! Tubes and Tubes running across her body !!

She has a mini white board in her hands and she is writing something on it with much cringing caused due to the pain of moving her hands while writing.

All of us go closer to Tris.

"Hello Tris !!",Will says.

"Umm....Hello ??",Tris says confused.

"We are your best friends Tris",I say.

"Really ?!?!? I have best friends ??",Tris asks shocked.

"Yeah !! You have 10 best friends.Uh...Sorry I meant 9 !!",Uriah says.

I know exactly why Uriah changed the number of friends from 10 to 9.That's because.....The Tenth one is actually supposed to be Four !!!

"Uh....Okay",Tris says and continues writing on her white board.

"What are you writing Tris ??",Mar asks.

"Wanna see it ??",Tris asks smiling.All of us nod our heads.She then shows it to us !! It says :-

Beatrice Prior





Tris Prior

"Its beautiful",Shauna says happily.Happy by the fact that Tris remembers something about Herself.I'm happy too !!

"What are you names ??",Tris asks.

"I am Zeke,This is Shauna,Uriah,Marlene,Destiny,Ethan,Christina and Will",Zeke says pointing to each one of us.

I see Tris staring at Destiny !! I wonder Why ??

"Tris.Why are you looking at me like that ??",Des asks.

"Uhh....Because I feel that...I've seen someone who looks just like you !!",Tris says.

We all look at each other.She is talking about Four !! She kinda remembers how he looks.

"Uhh...I think you are mistaken",Des says immediately covering up.

"Oh...Okay",Tris says.

"Are Zeke and Uriah brothers ??",Tris asks eyeing Zeke and Uriah.

"Yeah !!",Zeke says.

"Aww man !! Do we look so similar that everyone figures out that we are brothers ??",Uriah asks.

"Who else figured that out ??",Tris asks.I wish we could tell her that it was Four who figured that out....The love of her life !! But unfortunately....We can't !!!

"Uhh...",I stumble to find words.

"Uhh....My Brother",Des says.

Phew !!! Destiny saved the day.But wait a minute....Four in actual is Destiny's Brother !!

We all shoot her a glare for saying that which she replies to by giving us an apologetic look.We let that slide off because she said that under pressure !! She didn't do it on purpose.It was just a coincidence !!

"Uh...Okay",Tris says confused.I can tell that she is getting frustrated with herself for not knowing anything.

"I don't know anything.I'm so confused.I don't remember anything !!",Tris says putting her head in her hands just like Four did !!

"It's Okay Tris !! You're gonna be fine",I assure her.

"Thanks Chris",She says.Chris !!! For a moment I feel that I've got my old best buddy back.But later I realise.....that's not true !!!

Then we decide to leave because we need to talk to the Doctor about Tris and Four.

"Bye Tris !! We need to go.Visiting times up",Ethan says lying about the Visiting time.

"Bye Guys !!",Tris says.

"Bye Tris !!",All of us say.

We then exit the room and go to the Doctor.

"Doc !! When can we take Tris and Four home ??",Uriah asks.

"After about a week.They need to be kept under observation till then",The Doc says.We agree.

"But remember Four and Tris can't see each other.So they can't live in the same house.You guys will have to buy new homes for both of them",The doctor says.We painfully agree to that one too !!

After that we wish each other goodbye and then head straight to our respective houses !! So much has happened today and...I doubt if this will ever get alright !!

A/N : So that was the end of the Ninth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Things will get better eventually.....I promise !!! Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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