Chapter 18 : A Week Later....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! You guys can find a very Hilarious meme in the Media section of this chapter !! Tobias looks so pissed off !! Anyways Here is Chapter 18 !!! I decided to do another Time Skip !!! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

———-1 Week Later———-

Tris's POV

Its been 1 week since I first met "The Book Thief" !! Surprisingly in the past week....I bumped into him every single day !!! And as usual...I picked up a fight with him every single day !!

The whole gang knows about "The Idiotic Book Thief".Uriah,Marlene,Chris and Will know the whole details but Zeke,Shauna,Des and Ethan just know the...Gist.

'The Idiot' is so irritating.I want to Kill him !! But...I'll do that later because for now.....I need to get ready for the Faction meet !!

In the Faction Meet.....two faction's with conflicting ideas meet so that the leaders can see the results.Its like a get together but with the members of another faction.

But it is very annoying to spend the whole day with the members of another faction.

I finally decide to start dressing up.I put on Waist lace frock which is of a Pink and Black combination.It stops at my mid length.I put my hair in a Water braid.I also put on Pink earrings and a Black necklace.I wear my Pink ballerina shoes and now I am ready to go.

The doorbell rings and I know that my idiot friends are here.I go and open the door revealing Uri,Chris,Mar and Shauna.

"Hey Trissy Poo !!!",Uriah screams.

"Shut up Uri",I scream.

"Hey Tris",Everyone says.

"Hey Guys",I reply.

I invite them inside but they politely refuse since we need to reach the Faction meet as soon as possible.So I lock my house and then Me,Uri,Chris,Will and Mar get into Will's car and head to "The Faction Meet" !!

Tobias's POV

Its been 1 week since I first met "The Witch" !! Surprisingly in the past week....I bumped into her every single day !!! And as usual...I picked up a fight with her every single day !!

The whole gang knows about "The Psycho Witch".Zeke,Shauna,Des and Ethan know the whole details but Uriah,Marlene,Chris and Will just know the...Gist.

'The Witch' is so irritating.I want to Kill her !! But...I'll do that later because for now.....I need to get ready for the Faction meet !!

In the Faction Meet.....two faction's with conflicting ideas meet so that the leaders can see the results.Its like a get together but with the members of another faction.

I personally hate Faction Meet since it is very annoying to spend the whole day with the members of another faction.

I finally decide to start dressing up.After a while,I finish doing so.

The doorbell rings and I know that my idiot friends are here.I go and open the door revealing Zeke,Shauna,Des and Ethan

"Hey Four !!!",Zeke screams.

"Hey Buddy",I scream.

"Hey Four",Everyone says.

"Hey Guys",I reply.

I invite them inside but they politely refuse since we need to reach the Faction meet as soon as possible.So I lock my house and then Me,Zeke,Shauna,Des and Ethan get into Zeke's car and head to "The Faction Meet" !!

A/N : That was the end of the Eighteenth chapter.How was the chapter ?? What do you think will happen next ?? Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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