Chapter 42 : The Chasm !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 42 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! And also read "Fourtris and the Next Round" by cg184595 !! It's Amazing !! Anyways...Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV 

One man is heading towards the edge of the Chasm.He'll fall anytime !! But he has a blank expression on his face and he is chanting something ?!?

"Shit",Four says.

"If you want these suicides to stop send one Divergent to Erudite or get ready to lose more Dauntless.If you want....",The man keeps chanting heading towards the edge of the Chasm.

Four runs towards him he grabs him by the collar but the man keeps trying to fall for his death and escape Four's grasp.

Uriah,Zeke and Ethan run to help Four.They try to snap the man out of his stupor but he keeps trying to escape their grasp and fall for his death.

Finally they man manages to escape their grasp and falls for his death.

"Alex !!",A lady calls out to the man who jumped to his death.The lady has tears in her eyes and I catch a glimpse of a wedding ring on her finger.She is...was his wife !!

By now all the Dauntless have gathered in the Chasm.Some of them try to calm the lady down.

Seeing the lady cry,a new feeling erupts inside me.Guilt.This is happening because of me.A Divergent.Jeanine killed this innocent man because she wants a Divergent.

I will not let anymore deaths happen.I will go to Erudite.

"Gang meeting.Follow me",Four says heading forward.

All of us look at each other and then follow Four.

We reach Uriah's house and Four stops getting inside.

We all get in.And sit on the couch.Four stands though.

"Jeanine's behind this",Uriah says.We nod.

"Guys !! Who all are Divergent ?? Stand up",Four says.

"Me",Des says getting up.

"Me too",Ethan says.

Not big surprises though.

"Me",Uriah says standing up.Uriah ?!?!?

"Uriah you're a Divergent ??",I ask.He nods.

"Dauntless and Amity",He says.We nod in understanding.

"Me too",I say standing up and see Four cringe a little ?? But why ??

"Des and Ethan you guys will not go",Four says.

"But Bro we-",Des begins but Four cuts her off.

"Des and Ethan,No !! You guys will not go and so will Uriah",Four says.Des and Ethan nod and sit down.

"What ?? I'm going Four",Uriah says.

"Uriah,No !! You need to stay with Marlene.You can't go",Four says.He definitely has a point.Uriah nods and sits down as well.

"And Tris.....You can't go either",He says.

"Really ?? If I can't go,Des can't go,Ethan can't go,Uri can't go then who will go ?? You ??",I snap at him and immediately regret it.

What the hell is wrong with me ??

"Yes !! Me",He says.

"That means you are also a Divergent ??",I ask.He nods.

No !! I can't let him go !! I can't let him risk his life.I love him.

"I'm going Four",I say.

"No Tris.I'm going",He says.

"I'm going and you cannot force me !!",I scream.

Tobias's POV

I can't let Tris go.I love her to much to let her go !!

"I'm going and you cannot force me !!",Tris screams.

"Tris you can't go because-",I begin but stop.I was just about to admit that I love her !!

"Because what ??",Tris asks.

"Nothing",I say.

"Because you think I'm weak.I'm not as strong as you.I'm a weakling.I'm-",Tris says but I cut her off.

"No Tris it's not because of that",I say.

"Then why ?? Because you think I can't fight Jeanine.Or because you think I'm a stiff Or because-",Tris begins but I cut her off.

"It's not because of that Tris !! It's because I love you !! And I can't let you risk your life like this.I can't let you go !!",I scream.

Shit !! I just admitted that I love my Favourite Friend !! I hope she doesn't break our friendship due to this confession of mine.

A/N : That was the end of the Forty Second chapter.How was the chapter ?? How do you think Tris will react to Tobias's "love" confession ?? Anyways.....Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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