Chapter 30 : The Fun and Games !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 30 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :) 

Tobias's POV

"Okay guys your punishment is to shave your heads",Tris says.She is just fooling them.

"What ?!?!?",Will and Shauna scream.

"I don't want to shave my head !!",Chris screams.

"Me too",Uriah says fake crying.

"My beautiful hair !!",Mar whines.

"Guys Tris is just kidding.Your actual dare is to be our slaves for an hour",I say.

"Phew !! At least I don't have to shave my head",Chris says.

These people actually thought that we,being their friends would give them a punishment in which they'll have to shave their heads ?!?!?

"Aww man !! I don't wanna be Zeke's slave !!",Uriah whines.

"You guys lost so with the punishment",Zeke says and Uriah's team sighs.

"Okay",Will says.

"For now let's just go and sit on our picnic mats",Ethan suggests and we agree with him.

We take our paintball guns and then go and sit on the mats.I sit next to Zeke and Tris.

"Oh my god I forgot my paintball gun near the Ferris Wheel.Uriah go and get it",Zeke says ordering Uriah.

"Ask your wife to do it",Uriah says.

"No !! I love her too much to order her",Zeke says.

"Awww !!",All the girls say.Shauna wipes a fake happy tear from her eyes and then kisses Zeke.

"Ugghh !! Screw you Zeke",Uriah says.

"I'm older than you",Zeke reminds him.

"Like I care",Uriah says making me and the others laugh.

"You are my slave for now.So go !!",Zeke says pointing in the direction of Navy Pier.Uriah rolls his eyes and goes to get Zeke's gun.He comes back after some time with Zeke's gun and a quite pissed off face.

"Here's your gun big brother !!",Uriah says handing over Zeke's gun to him.

"Thank you small brother",Zeke says.

"Cliché", Uriah says rolling his eyes.

He then comes and takes his seat next to Mar and Will.

"Let's play something guys",I suggest.

"Yeah",Tris says.

"Let's play Guess The Movie !!",Chris says.

"What is that ??",Will asks.Typical Erudite !!

"Somebody acts a movie and another person has to guess it",Shauna explains.

"Got it.Thanks !!",Will says.Shauna smiles and nods her head.

"We will play this game in teams.Let the teams be the same as Capture the flag's....which means Four and Uriah are captains again.One team will decide the movie for the other team.Then the team which decides the movie will call a member from the other team and tell them the movie they have decided.Then that person will act the movie to their team.The trick is that,the team that decides the movie should decide a movie that's tough to act and the person who acts the movie their team should act the movie in such a way that their team is able to guess the movie.If the team guesses the movie they get a point if not,then the team who gave the movie will get a point.There will be a time limit of 2 minutes for a team to guess the movie.The person who acts the movie is not allowed to speak.That person also has to tell their team how many words are there in that movie before he or she begins acting.Captains decide who will act the movie",Tris explains.Everyone agrees.

Crap !! I'm again the Captain !!

All of us arrange ourselves in our former teams.My team - Tris,Zeke,Ethan,Des and me.Uri's team -Himself,Mar,Chris,Will and Shauna.Both teams sit opposite to each other.

"Let Uriah's team go first",I say.

"No.You go first",Mar says.

"We order you guys to go first",Tris says.They sigh but agree.

I totally forgot that I can order them.They are our slaves for an hour !!

They discuss the movie that will act.Then they are ready and ask us who will act the movie.

"Who wants to act ??",I ask my team.

"I'll go",Des says.Everyone in my team agrees and Des goes to the other team to find out what movie they've decided for us.

This game is going to be very challenging and interesting !!

A/N : That was the end of the Thirtieth chapter.How was the chapter ?? Don't forget to leave your comments for me :) 





 And remember 

 <4 ❤️❤️❤️    

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