Chapter 24 : Reaching the Party....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 24 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :) 

 Tris's POV

I finally reach Uriah's house.I knock the door,only to be greeted by the host of the party himself.Uriah !

"Hey Trissy Poooooooo !!!",Uri's says stretching the 'o'.

"Hey Uriiii Pooooooooo !!!",I say imitating him.

"You can't use my stint on me",Uri says.

"Says who ??",I ask.

"Says Uriah the great",He says and I roll my eyes.

"Come in Tris",Uriah says and I go in.Everyone's already here !! I'm the latest.I mean the person who reached the latest.I mean the one who reached the most late.Yup !! That's the right English.

"Hey Tris",Everyone greets me.They are sitting on the carpet in a circle,as if they are ready to start playing.

"Hey Guys",I greet back.

"Sit down",Chris says pointing to an empty spot beside her.

I nod my head and then go and sit down next to her.Zeke is on my other side towards my right.Sitting next to Zeke on the other side is Shauna.Next to her is Marlene.Next to her is Uriah.Will sits next to Uriah and on the other side of Will sits Christina and I sit on her other side.All of us start talking on some random stuff.Then it becomes boring and I suggest that we should start playing.

"Let's start playing",I say.

"Uhh...Lets wait for sometime.We are waiting for someone.Let him come then we will play",Zeke says.

"Who is the "he"",I ask putting air quotes around he.

"You will have to wait",Uri says.

Just then the Doorbell rings.It time to meet the "He" !!!!

A/N : That was the end of the Twenty FOURth chapter.I'm extremely Sorry for the short chapter.Anyways....How was the chapter ?? What do you think will happen next ?? Don't forget to leave you comments for me :) 





 And remember 

 <4 ❤️❤️❤️  

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