Chapter 39 : Candor or Dauntless ????

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 39 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section for a sheo pic !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

Me and Four finally reach the Gang.

"Hey Guys",The Gang greets us with smiley faces.Why are they so happy ??

"Hey",Me and Four greet back.

"Let's play something !!",Uri suggests.

"I was also saying the something Uri before someone decided to take my pic and run away with it !!",I say.The 'Someone' here stands for Four.

"I suppose your talking about me",Four says in a French accent and I roll my eyes.

"At least you were smart enough to figure out that I'm talking about you",I say.

"Hey I'm smarter than you think",Four says making me laugh.He said that yesterday as well.He looks so cute when he says that !!

"Okay Mr Smarty,I agree that you're smart !!",I say and he grins like an idiot.He's so cute !!

Christina's POV 

I notice the way Tris and Four look at each other.They have so much love in their eyes for each other.So much adoration !! And this could only mean one thing :-

Tris and Four are falling for each other !! Yet again !! :)

Tobias's POV

"Let's play....C or D !! In pairs !!",Chris screams.

"Quit.The.Screaming",I warn Chris.

"Okay Mr Smarty",Chris says and Tris high fives her.

"The pairs are the usual ones",Uriah informs.

Yay !! Tris is my pair again !!

"Let me tell the pairs again : Zeke and Shauna, Me and Ethan,Four and Tris, Uriah and Mar,Chris and Will", Des says.

We put out picnic mat on the grass and then sit in a circle with our pairs.

"So I guess your stuck with me again",Tris says.

"No !! I'm glad to be your partner again",I say making Tris smile. 

"I'm glad too",Tris whispers in my ear.I smile at her.

I think I'm in love with this girl !! :)

Tris's POV

I'm so glad that I'm paired up with Four....Yet again !!

"Let the game begin !! Which team wants to go first ??",Zeke asks.

"We'll go first",Chris says.

"K",We all say.

"Four and Tris !! C or D ??",Will asks after deciding with Chris.

"Dauntless !!",Me and Four answer in unison.

"Okay....We dare you too...stay tied to each other for the rest of the game",Chris says.

I've actually got no problem with that !!

"Okay",Four says.

Zeke hands over a piece of rope to Chris and she ties mine Four's wrist together.My right to his left.

"How did you have the rope with you already ??",I ask.

"Because I had already planned this dare before",Chris says.

"Now we get to ask someone",Four tells me.

"Yeah",I say.

"Who should we ask ??",He asks.

"Zeke and Shauna ??",Four suggests.I nod my head.

"What do we ask them ??",He asks.

"Umm.....We can......",I say telling him the dare.

"You're so good at making dares",Four whispers.

"Thanks",I say.

"No problem",Four whispers back smiling.He's so cute !! 

I think I'm in love with him !! :)

"Okay.....Zeke !! We dare you to call your mom and tell her that you're divorcing Shauna",I say.

"Oh my god !! My mom will kill me !! She loves Shauna",Zeke says making everyone laugh.

"Do it Zeke",Shauna insists.Zeke sighs but takes his mobile out of his pocket and calls his mom.

"Put it on speaker mode",Four says.Zeke does so, fake crying.

"Hey Zeke Darling !!",Zeke mom screams.

"Hey Mom",Zeke says.

"How are you ?? How are Uri and Shauna and Marlene and all your friends ??",Zeke's mom asks.

"They're fine Mom",Zeke says.

"Why did you call by the way ??",Zeke's mom asks.

"Mom I called to tell you that I'm divorcing Shauna",Zeke says.

"What ?!?!? What's wrong with you Zeke ?? Why are you divorcing her ?? She's such a good person !!",Zeke's mom screams.All of us burst out laughing.

"Uhhh....Because....",Zeke begins unable to continue.He signs to us, to help him.

Ethan points to a chips packet.

"Because she eats all my chips !! Every day !!",Zeke says.Of course his mom is not going to fall for that !!

"It's a dare !! Isn't it ??",Zeke's mom asks. 

"Yeah mom",Zeke says.

"Don't freak me out like that next time !!",Zeke's mom says.

"Okay Mom !! Bye !! Love you",Zeke says.

"Okay Bye Zekie !! Love you too.Enjoy your game",Zeke's mom says and hangs up.

I wish my mom was alive too !! I wish I remembered the moments I spent with her !! I wish...I wish she never died !!

All these thoughts brings tears in my eyes.And before they spill....I get up and walk away from the gang. 

I just keep walking ahead on the grass.Not looking back at the gang. 

Finally I see a tree ahead and I go and sit under its shade. 

I let my tears spill and that's when I hear footsteps following me.

I wipe my tears and look behind in order to see who it is. 

It is......

A/N : That was the end of the Thirty Ninth chapter.How was the chapter ?? Sorry for the cliffy.Who do you guys think Tris saw ?? Hint : The answer is quite predictable ;) Anyways... Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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