Chapter 36 : The Messages....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 36 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

We reach the Food Court.We find a table for two and then go and sit there with the gifts still in our hands.

The waiter gives us the Menu card and me and Four decide on what we want to eat.

"What do you want to eat Ma'am and Sir ??",The waiter asks.

"What do you recommend ??", Four asks the waiter.

"Macaroons ??", The waiter asks.

Four looks at me questioningly.I shake my head. 

"No !! Something else ??", Four asks.

"Peanut butter fudge ??", The waiter asks.Just as I'm about to say something.....

"Absolutely no !! My friend here is severely allergic to peanuts", Four says.

How does he know that ??

"Then how about lasagne ??", The waiter asks.Four looks at me again.I nod.

"Okay, We'll have two of that", Four says and the waiter goes to get our food.

"Now let's give each other the gifts !!", Four says.

"I need to ask you something before that",I say.

"What ??", He asks.

"How do you know I'm allergic to peanuts ??", I ask.

"Uhhh....", He begins unable to continue.

Tobias's POV

"Uhhh....", I begin unable to continue.

How do I know that Tris is allergic to peanuts ?? She never told me !! Then how ??

Maybe Christina told that to me once !! But I know she didn't !! No she did Tobias !! She told you !! I say trying to make myself believe it even thought I know it's not real.

"Uhh...Christina told that to me once",I say.

"Okay", Tris says not pressing further for which I'm very grateful.

Tris's POV

Christina doesn't know that I'm allergic to peanuts !! In fact no one from the gang knows that !! Then how does Four know ??

"Let's give each other the gifts !!", Four says and I decide to let this thing slide off.

"Okay", I say.

"I'll give you your gift first", Four says.I nod.He hands the bag with the book in it to me.

I take out the book from the bag.

"Read the message", Four insists.I nod.

I turn the book over to the first page and see the message written on it.I read it aloud.

Dear Beautiful Tris,

Hope you master the art of sarcasm after reading this book !! Now your sarcasm is weak but I am fully confident that your skill of being sarcastic will improve after you read this book !! 

From your friend,

The Handsome and Hot Four :)

"Awww !! So sweet !! Thank you so much Four",I say.

"No problem Trissy !!",He says.

"",I say in a threatening tone.And he acts mock scared making me laugh.

"Here's your gift",I say handing over the bag with the book in it.

He takes out the book from the bag.Turns to the first page of the book and reads my message for him out loud.


The Handsome Prodigy Four

I hope you make the worlds best Dauntless cake after reading this book and I know you will make amazing Dauntless cakes after reading this book.

P.S - Don't forget to give me credit if you ever become a world renowned celebrity for your delicious Dauntless cakes ;)

From your good friend,                 

Tris Prior :)

"Thank you so much Tris.Didn't think I knew Prior is your surname",He says.

"At least you know it now",I say.He nods.

Just then the waiter gets our food and we eat it while taking about some random stuff.

Then we ask the waiter for the Bill and he goes in to get it.

"Can I ask you something ??",Four asks while we are waiting.

Tobias's POV

"Sure !! Why not ??",Tris answers.

"Am I just a normal friend to you like the others in the gang ??", I ask.I don't know why I felt like asking that question.

"No !! You best friend",Tris says.

"Nah !! That's Chris",I say.

"My Umm....Good friend",She says.

"I think that's Uriah",I point out.

"You are my favourite friend !!",Tris says making me smile.

"You are my favourite friend too !!",I say making her smile.

The waiter then comes with our bill.

Tris's POV

I insists on paying the bill but Four doesn't listen.He pays the bill for both of us.

After that we decide to go home.So we wish each other goodbye and then head to our houses !!!

Today's day was Amazing !! I loved it !! I enjoyed spending my time with Four :)

Tobias's POV

Tris insists on paying the bill but I don't listen.I pay the bill for both of us.

After that we decide to go home.So we wish each other goodbye and then head to our houses !!!

Today's day was Amazing !! I loved it !! I enjoyed spending my time with Tris :)

A/N : That was the end of the Thirty SIXth chapter.How was the chapter ?? Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️


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