Chapter 26 : The Party Part 2 !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 26 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

I tell Mariah the dare cracking up," exchange you clothes...with each other.After you've done guys have to act as though the other person has stolen your clothes"

After I finish saying the dare everyone starts laughing.

"What ??? Noooo",Uriah says.

"You have to do it",Four says.

"I'll take my revenge from you both",Uriah says in a deadly tone.

"We would love to see you do so",Four says and I laugh.

Uriah sighs and then he and Marlene go inside to swap their clothes.

They come back sometime later.Marlene looks fine in Uriah's shirt and pant but Uriah....looks hilarious in Marlene's dress.

We all burst out laughing.

"You look so gorgeous Urika,my lil sis",Zeke says and we all burst out laughing at Uriah's new name.

"Now you guys have to do the second part of the dare",I remind them.

"Uriah !!!! You jerk !! You stole my dress",Marlene screams and slaps Uri.We burst out laughing.

"Marlene !! You Shameless human !! You stole my shirt and pant also !!",Uri screams.

"Thief",Marlene screams.

"You are the Thief",Uriah says.

"You",Mar says.

"You",Uri says.

"This remind me of us",Four says to me.

"What ??",I ask.

"Remember our fight in the Cafe ??",He says.

"Yeah.Its quite embarrassing to think about it now.You know,now that we are friends",I say.

"I agree",He says.

"You",Marlene screams extremely loudly.

"Okay Okay that's enough guys",I say worried that they might actually start fighting.

Uriah and Marlene go inside again and then come out after sometime wearing their own clothes.

"Aww man !! I like Urika more than Uriah",Chris says making us laugh.

"Now it you turn to ask guys",Des says to Marlene and Uriah.

"Okay Tris and Four.C or D ??",Mar asks.

"D of course",Me and Tobias say.

"We dare one of you to tell us your worst fear",Uri says.

I look at Four.He is trembling slightly.Just enough so I can see him do so.Probably at the memory of his worst fear.

"I'll take this one",I say since I think Four wouldn't be comfortable sharing his worst fear.

"Okay",Mar says.

"Crows attacking me",I say.

"Crows ??",Chris asks.I nod.No one comments further on that for which I'm grateful.

"Thank you Tris",Four whispers.

"No problem.I figured out you wouldn't like telling us your fear",I whisper back.

"You know what ?? This is very boring.We should do something else",Shauna says.

"Yeah.I agree.This is very boring",Will says.

"What should we do now ??",Zeke asks.

"Dance !!",Ethan suggests.

"What ??",All of us ask shocked.

"Let's dance with our pair",He says.

We agree.

I dance with Four on some romantic song that Chris put up for all the pairs.When Chris first put up that song I thought it was going to be quiet awkward dancing with Four on that Romantic Song.But it turned out...I was wrong.It wasn't awkward at all.Me and Four just kept talking to each other the whole time during the dance so it was quiet comfy dancing with him.

After sometime,Everybody is very tired.

"Guys lets go home",Des says.

"Let's decide something about what we'll do tomorrow",Zeke says.

"Let's go to the park tomorrow",Shauna says.

"And play in the swings and the slide",Zeke says in pretended admiration.

"Shut up Zeke.We'll play something in the park,and hang out.But if you want to go and play on the's okay.We won't miss you that much",Shauna says and we start laughing.Zeke fake cries.

"We can also play CAPTURE THE FLAG IN THE PARK !!!!!",Chris screams.

"Quit.the.screaming",Four warns her.She acts mock scared making me laugh.

"Okay so tomorrow everyone come to the Dauntless Park at...12:00 PM sharp.Also get your paintball guns for the game",Ethan says.We agree.

I then wish everyone goodbye and then head home.I then change my clothes and then plop on my bed.

Thinking about Today's event and also about what might happen tomorrow....I finally fall asleep.

A/N : That was the end of the Twenty SIXth chapter.How was the chapter ?? What do you think will happen next ?? Don't forget to leave you comments for me :) 





 And remember 

 <4 ❤️❤️❤️

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