Chapter TOBIAS : The Proposal....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter TOBIAS AKA 4 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !! Also,Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! So Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

Chris says,"I dare you too....Propose to anyone !! In the most dramatic way as possible".

"That's easy.I will propose to Tris obviously !!",Tobias says and gets up lifting me up along with him as well.

"Here is the ring",Zeke says handing over a Cornflakes ring to Tobias !! Tobias

accepts it even !!

Tobias gets down on his knees !!

"Tris....Ever since I laid my eyes on you for the first time...I knew that something about you was different.Something about us was different.You were very different.Very unique.Our relation was Very Unique.You are very Smart,Kind,Intelligent,Beautiful,Brave,Dauntless,Selfless,Flawless and very very special Tris.I love you very much !! So Tris....I want to ask you....Will you marry me and give me the honor of being you husband ??",Tobias says.

Aww !! That was so cute !! Tears well up in my eyes !! What Tobias said was so adorable.

"Awww !!!!",Everyone says.

"YES !! YES !! A MILLION TIMES YES !!",I scream.Tobias acts like he is sliding the Cornflakes ring on my finger !! Because obviously.......The ring won't fit my finger.Tobias then stands up.

"Tris....You said a "Million times Yes" !! So does that mean I have to marry you a Million times ?? On a second thought.....I wouldn't mind kissing you Million times ",Tobias teases batting his eyelashes and putting air quotes around Million Times Yes.

I don't say anything.I just smile and then lean forward and Kiss him !!

He Kisses back and it turns out into a make out session !! We break the Kiss after a while.

"I love you Tris",Tobias says after we break the Kiss.

"I love you too To-Four",I say.

I then rest my forehead on his and we stay like that for a while.

"I love you so much",Tobias says again.

"I know.Sometimes knowing that terrifies me",I say.

"Huh ?? Why ??",Tobias asks.

"Because....I am afraid that I might lose you someday",I admit and then look down.

"Hey Look at me",Tobias insists lifting my chin up.I look at him.

"You won't ever lose me Tris.I will always always and always be with you",Tobias says and I smile.

"I love you too",I say and Kiss him again.

"Aww !!",Everyone says again.

We break the Kiss after a while.

"You know.You guys are so adorable together",Marlene says.

"Yeah !! You guys are so cute !",Shauna says.

"Yeah I agree !!",Chris says.

"That's exactly why I ship FOURTRIS !!",Uriah says enthusiastically.

"Yeah !! You guys are my OTP !!",Zeke says enthusiastically as well !!

"Mine Too !!",Destiny,Ethan and Will say in unison.

"Thank you so much guys !!",Me and Tobias say.I then start feeling very tired.

"Tired ??",Tobias asks looking at me.I nod.

"Lets go home then",Tobias says.

"Guys !! Tris is tired so we are going home",Tobias announces.

"Okay fine.But you guys have to come tomorrow as well !!",Uriah says.

"What ?!?!? Why Tomorrow ??",I ask.

"Tomorrow also we will have a party.And you guys have to come !!",Uriah says.

"No !! I don't want to come !!",Me and Tobias say in unison.

"Why ??",Zeke asks.

"Because we hate parties",Tobias says and I nod.

"Oh !! I get it !!",Will says.

"What do you get ??",Ethan asks.

"Four and Tris both don't want to come for the Tomorrow's party because.....They want to stay at home and make little Fourtris babies",Will says making me blush.Tobias gets a coughing fit !!! The rest of the gang start laughing their heads off .

"No !! Its not that reason !",Tobias says almost immediately.

"I don't believe it",Uriah says.

"Okay Fine !! We will be there tomorrow",I say and Tobias agrees !! The others high-five each other for having convinced me and Tobias to come for Tomorrow's party.

"In whose house is the party tomorrow ??",Tobias asks.

"Mine !!",Uriah says and Tobias nods.

"Okay then....Bye !!",I say.

"Bye !!",Everyone says in unison.

"Be there on time guys.If you guys don't come early then.....We will know why you guys are late",Ethan says.

"Yeah !! Fourtris babies",Zeke teases and Tobias gives Zeke,Ethan and Uriah a death glare.

We then wish everyone Goodbye for the final time and then head straight towards home.

Me and Tobias then change our clothes and then lie down on the bed.I snuggle close to him.

"I love you Tobias ",I say.

"I love you too Tris",Tobias says.

His words are the last thing I hear before I fall asleep......Wrapped in his strong and comforting arms !!!

A/N : So that was the end of the FOURth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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