Chapter 34 : The Dauntless Mall Part 1 !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 34 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Don't forget to Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :) 

Tris's POV

I wake up,take a shower,put on my clothes,brush my teeth and eat my breakfast quickly since I need to go to Dauntless Mall !!

They have this book sale and I really need to go there before the books get sold or slip away from my hands.Like the case of Insurgent but the good thing in that was....That I found a friend,Four :)

I close my house door,lock it and go to my car.And the head straight towards Dauntless Mall !!

Tobias's POV

Currently I am quickly eating my breakfast since I need to go to Dauntless Mall !!

They have this book sale and I really need to go there before the books get sold.I really hope this time I don't get into a fight with anyone for a book like I did with Tris.But at least I found a friend through that fight,Tris :)

I close my door,lock it and go to my car and then head straight towads Dauntless Mall !!

////////------:::::::TIME SKIP (They've already reached Dauntless Mall but they are unaware of each others presence):::::::------\\\\\\\\\

Tris's POV

I'm currently at the Book shop looking around for some good books.Since I'm looking at the books in the shelf and walking ahead without looking in front I bump into someone.

"Oh !! I'm so Sorry",I say.

"No I'm Sorry.I wasn't looking where.....",He says turning behind but stops when he looks at me.

"Tris !!",He says excited.

"Hey Four",I say smiling at him.Isn't it a coincience that everytime I come to buy a book...I bump into him ??

Tobias's POV

I'm currently at the book shop looking around for some nice books.I look at the books in the shelf and keeps walking backwards.Which is a very bad idea since I bump into someone.

"Oh !! I'm so Sorry",She says.

"No I'm Sorry.I wasn't looking where......",I say turning behind to look at her but stop when I look at her.

"Tris !!",I say excited.But why am I so excited ?? Probably because I bumped into her again...While looking for a book to buy !! Coincidence !!

"Hey Four",She says smiling at me.

"Now that we both are here...Let's help each other in buying a book",I suggest.

"Good Idea.Didn't expect you to give such a good idea",She teases.

"Hey !! I'm smarter than you think",I justify.

"Chill !! I was kidding",She says laughing.

"Lets look around for a book now Mr Smarty",Tris says and I roll my eyes.She laughs when I do so.

We go to various sections in the book store which are based on the genre of the books.As we pass through the cook books section....

Tris says,"I found a great book for you !!".

"Which book ??",I ask.

She shows me the book.The title of the book say "How to make delicious Dauntless cakes ??".

"Ooohh !! I love this book !! Thank you so much Tris !!",I say sarcastically.

"Bad sarcasm",Tris points out and I stick out my tongue her.She does the same thing and then we both burst out laughing.

"But Tris....Why on earth would I want to make Dauntless cakes ??",I ask after our laughter dies down a little.

"Because that your favourite !! Duh",Tris says.

But this makes a question pop in my head: How does she know that that's my favourite ??

"Tris.How do you know ??",I ask.

"How do I know what ??",She asks.

"That Dauntless cake is my favourite ??",I ask.

"Uhhh...",She begins unable to continue.

A/N : That was the end of the Thirty FOURTH chapter.How was the chapter ?? Sorry for the cliffy.What do you think Tris's answer will be ?? Anyways.....Don't forget to leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️    

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