Chapter 41 : The Problem Begins....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 41 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! And Initiates you must have got a notification that I've updated Chapter 45.The thing behind it is that I was prewriting chapters and I accidentally published Chapter 45 and then unpublished it.That's the reason you guys must have got a notification saying that I've updated Chapter 45.Just wanted to inform that it's not a glitch !! Anyways.....Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

I wake up and do the usual stuff and then I get a message on my mobile.

Uri : Come to my house an hour.

Chris : K

Shauna : Fine :)

Four : Y ??

Me : Exactly !! Y ??

Will : Cuz we're gonna have fun

Four : Ughh !! :(

Uri : Just come and stop acting like old grannies :P

Me : Shut up !!!

Uri : Okay Okay Fine !! Now go and dress up !!

Everyone : Okay !! Bye

Four : *sighs* Bye !!

Me : Bye !!

I keep my phone on the bed and then go into my room in order to pick a dress.It's not so bad that we're going to Uri's house.At least....I can see Four and spend some time with him :)

I love him so much !!

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We're currently in Uriah's house.Everyone has already reached.We're already seated in a circle on the carpet !! Me next to Chris and Four of course.

"Let's play C or D in pairs",Mar says.

"Nah !! We always play that",Zeke says.

"Then let's play.....Would you rather ??",Chris suggests/asks.Everyone agrees.

"I'll go first",Chris says and we all agree since the idea of playing this game was her's.

"Tris !! Would you rather.....",Chris begins but is cut off by Four's mobile ringing.

We all stop playing and sit silently so that Four can talk peacefully.

"Hey Max",Four greets.

Max ?? Why would he call Four ?? Is there a problem ??

"What ?!?!? Okay.Wait I'm coming",Four says tensed and shocked and then gets up and walks out of Uri's house.

"Four !! What's wrong ??",Zeke asks.But Four just keeps running faster and faster and all of us follow him.

Ultimately we reach the Chasm and what I see shocks me extremely very much !!

A/N : That was the end of the Forty First chapter.How was the chapter ?? Sorry for the short chapter and the cliffy.What do you guys think must have shocked Tris ?? Anyways.....Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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