Chapter 21 : The Budding Friendship !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 21 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Check out the Media Section !! I laughed so hard at the pic....Its Hilarious !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

I keep going the way Four went.I finally see him ahead of me.He is walking ahead without stopping.Oblivious of my presence.

"Hey !!",I scream.I see him stop in his tracks but then he resumes walking away from me.I totally understand this.Who would want to talk to the person who hurt them ??

"Four wait !!",I scream.Still he doesn't stop.

"Four !!",I scream.But he doesn't wait.

"Mr Book Thief !!",I scream and he finally stops.

Tobias's POV

Tris keeps calling me from behind but I don't stop neither do I answer her calls.What she said really did hurt me...a lot !!

"Mr Book Thief !!",Tris screams and I finally stop and turn towards her.

Tris's POV

He turns towards me finally.

"I told you a million times that I am not a Book Thief.I bought that book.So you have no rights to call me a thief",He screams.

"Okay Okay !! You're not a thief !! I just said that to grab your attention",I say.After I finish saying this he turns away to again walk ahead.

"No No No No !! Wait",I say and he stops and turns towards me again.

"What is it ??",He asks.

"Uh...Look I'm really Sorry !! I had absolutely no idea about your....I mean I had absolutely no idea that what I said would hurt you",I say and see his hardened expression soften a little.

Tobias's POV

"Uh...Look I'm really Sorry !! I had absolutely no idea about your....I mean I had absolutely no idea that what I said would hurt you",Tris says and my hardened expression softens a little.

I understand her.She meant that as a joke.But she had no idea that what she said could hurt me !! It is not her fault.She is unaware of my past so it is totally wrong to held her guilty for what she said.

"It's okay Tris",I say and she smiles.

"How did you just forgive me like that ??",She asks shocked that I forgave her.

"It's not your fault actually.You did it unintentionally",I say.

Tris's POV

"It's not your fault actually.You did it unintentionally",He says.

"You have a really big heart Four",I say.

"Thank you so much !!",Four says and smiles.I smile back at him.

He's not as bad as I thought him to be !!

I guess striking a friendship with him wouldn't be a bad idea !!

Tobias's POV

Tris is not as bad as I thought her to be !!

I guess striking a friendship with her wouldn't be a bad idea !!

"So Tris !! Umm...Would you like to be more than just my enemy ??",I ask.

"Would love to",She answers.

"So...Lets be friends !!",I suggest.

"Sure !!",Tris says.

Then we shake our hands like new friends do !!

I would love to see where this friendship goes !!

Tris's POV

"So...Lets be friends !!",Four suggests.

"Sure !!",I say.

Then we shake our hands like new friends do !!

I would love to see where this friendship goes !!

A/N : That was the end of the Twenty First chapter.How was the chapter ?? Tris and Tobias are friends now !! Yay !! What do you think will happen next ?? What will be the gang's reaction to this ?? Anyways...Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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