Chapter 44 : The Way to Erudite....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 44 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV 

I rest my head on Four's shoulder,looking at the scenes outside the window.After that,I take off my head from Four's shoulder and look at him.

I can't believe he is mine !! I love him so much !!

"Why are you looking at me like that ??",Four asks looking at me.

"Because you're cute and handsome",I reply.

"And yours ??",Four whispers in my ears making me blush.

"You know you look so cute when you blush",Four says making me blush even more.Four smiles looking at me.

"Can I ask you something ??",Four asks.

"Yeah !! Sure",I say.

"Are you a camera ??",Four asks.

"Excuse me what ?!?!?",I ask shocked.

"Because every time I look at you....I smile",He says making me laugh.

"That is literally the worst pickup line I've ever heard",I say.

"I don't think so.I have worse than these",Four says.

"Like ??",I ask.

"I love you so much",He says.

"I don't think it's a pickup line.I think it's true",I tease.

"It definitely is.I love you Tris.A lot",He says and I kiss him.He's so Adorable !!

"I love you too Four",I say after we break the Kiss.

Tobias's POV

"I love you too Four",Tris says after we break the Kiss and I decide that it's time to tell her the truth.About who I really am !!

She deserves to know.After all,We both love each other !!

Tris's POV

"Tobias",Four says.

"What ??",I ask.

"My name",He says and I nod in understanding.

"Tobias like....the Tobias Eaton ??",I ask.

"Not like the Tobias Eaton.Exactly the Tobias Eaton",Four says.What's that supposed to mean ??

"What do you mean ??",I ask.

"I am Tobias Eaton",Four says putting emphasis on 'am'.

"What ?!? So we're the Erudite reports about your father...",I begin but see him cringe when I say 'your father' so I change what I was saying.

"I mean Marcus true ??",I ask.

"Yeah",He says upset.

Oh my god !! He's had such a messed up childhood !! I now understand why he got so upset when I unknowingly asked him if he's got messed up parents !!

I feel so Sorry right now.Sorry for my mistake about asking him about his parents.

But most of all :-

I feel Sorry for him !! Four/Tobias !!

"Oh Tob-Four I'm so Sorry",I say and hug him.I think I'm crying because I feel tears on my face.I wipe them quickly before we break the hug because I don't want him to see it.I don't think he would like being pitied.

We break the hug after sometime.None of us say anything for sometime after that.Then I decide to speak.

"I'm so Sorry Tob-Four.You are an amazing person.You don't deserve all of this.I love you.A lot",I say and see him smile.He kisses me.We break the kiss after sometime.

"Actually I've been thinking",Four/Tobias says.

"Thinking what ??",I ask.

"That I would like you to call me Tobias and not Four while we are alone.Its nice to hear someone excluding Des,call me by my name after a long time",He says.

"Okay Tobias",I say.He grins.I love that grin so much !!

"See how ironic this is ??",Tobias asks.

"What ??",I ask.

"The first place we go after we confess our love for each other to each other ?? The Erudite Head Quarters !! Our first Date !!",Tobias says making me laugh.

"I don't think this is our first Date !! Remember Dauntless Mall ?? Dauntless Garden ??",I ask.

"Oh yeah !! Remember you fell on me at Dauntless Garden ??",Tobias asks.

"Yeah.I don't think I'll ever forget that.That's when I first realised that I'm falling for you",I say and Tobias smiles.

"Same story for me",Tobias says and I smile this time.

"I love you Tris",Tobias says.

"I love you too Tobias",I say.

Then he leans in forward and presses his lips to mine.We Kiss for a long time.

But we break the Kiss on hearing the car come to a screeching halt.

And this could only mean one thing :-

We've reached Erudite !!!!

A/N : That was the end of the Forty FOURth chapter.How was the chapter ?? How was FOURTRIS ?? What do you think will happen at Erudite ?? Anyways.....Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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