Chapter 47 : Who's Gonna Die ????

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 47 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tobias's POV

"What are you going to do now ??",Tris asks Jeanine.

She stays silent for a very long time and then she says :-

"Well in that case....I get to execute the one whom I hate the most from the two of you"

What the heck ?? This doesn't make any sense !!

"That's not fair !!",Tris protests.

"Everything is fair in love and war",Jeanine says.

This means she's not going to change what she said !!

"Jeanine !! You hate me more !! I forgot my Abnegation manners.I always cursed you",I say in an attempt of getting her to kill me and not Tris.

Tris looks at me with raised eyebrows.

Tris's POV

What is wrong with Tobias ?? What is he talking ??

I look at him with raised eyebrows but he ignores it and continues telling Jeanine reasons to hate him.

And I realise :-

He's trying to get Jeanine to hate him more than me so that I can live !!

I'm not going to let that happen.Tobias has to live and not me.

"Jeanine you hate me.I was always the uncontrollable Divergent",I say.

"No Jeanine !! You hate me.You published reports about Marcus but no one believed them even though they were true.You can take revenge now for that.By killing me",Tobias says.

Don't do this Tobias !! Please !! If I live and you die....there's no use of me being alive then.

"Good point Tobias",Jeanine says smiling evilly.

"No !! You hate me more.My father was in Erudite before then he chose Abnegation.He betrayed Erudite.And I'm his daughter !! So take the revenge from me",I say.

How did I know all of that ?? How ?? 

"Okay Tris.I'll give you the chance to get executed",Jeanine says.

Yes !! I'm dying !! And I'm happy about it since Tobias gets to live.

"No !! Don't do that",Tobias screams.

"My decision is final Tobias",Jeanine says.

Tobias's POV

No !! Jeanine's decision is final !! She's killing Tris.

I won't let her die !! Not at any cost.

"Come here Tris",Jeanine says pointing to a chair in front of her.

Tris kisses me and goes to Jeanine and sits on the chair.

"No !!",I scream going to Tris.

"Tobias !! Stay where you are or Tris will get a slow,painful death",Jeanine says.

I have no I stay where I am.

"Any last wish Tris ??",Jeanine asks Tris taking out a gun from her coat pocket.

Who knew that an Erudite leader roams around carrying guns in her pocket ??

"I want to tell Tobias something",Tris says.Jeanine nods.

"Tobias I love you !! I'm sorry for doing this.But if one of us has to live then it's going to have to be you and not me.I'm sorry",Tris says looking at me with tears eyes.

"Okay so if your romantic talk is over then should we proceed with the execution ??",Jeanine asks.Tris nods.

"No don't do it !!",I scream trying to go towards them.

"Tobias remember slow and painful death",Jeanine says and I instantly stop dead in my tracks.

"Get ready Tris.At the count of will no longer be alive",Jeanine says.Tris then gets up from the chair and stands in front of the gun.

"One",Jeanine counts.Tris takes a deep breath.

No no no no !! This is not going to happen !! I'm not going to let Tris die !!

Think of a way out Tobias !!

Then I see a gun on the metallic table just a few centimetres away from me.Its Collin's.

Thank you Collin !!

I take the gun in my hand.

"Two",Jeanine counts.Her finger is on the trigger.

If I shoot Jeanine from the back then she will kill Tris anyways.Which means I need to shoot Jeanine from the front.

You were wrong Tris !! You deserve to live.Not me.Neither does Jeanine.

I hold the gun tightly in my hand and run quietly to Tris and Jeanine.

"Three",Jeanine says and presses the trigger but by that time I'm already standing between the gun and Tris.

I press the trigger of my gun at the same time she does.Jeanine falls to the ground.

The bullet pierces through my body.It hurts a lot.But this is all for Tris.My Tris !!

Jeanine's dead now and so am I !!!!

A/N : That was the end of the Forty Seventh chapter.How was the chapter ?? I know you guys are sharpening your butter knives right now for me but....please wait !! :( Things will get alright soon !! Anyways.....Don't forget to leave you comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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