Chapter 5 : The "Accident" !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 5 !! I really hope you guys don't kill me after reading this chapter !! Be sure to check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

Me and Tobias are apparently on our way to Uriah's house.In the Car.

"Fourtris babies !!",Tobias says out of nowhere !! I look at him,He looks at me too.We both look at each other for a few min's and then.....We burst out laughing !!

"That was a..really good convince us to...come for !!",I say laughing.

"Yes indeed !!",Tobias agrees.

"Our gang is so crazy ",I say.

"Yes indeed !!",Tobias says again.

"Whats up with you and Yes indeed ??",I ask.He just shrugs.

"You are so cute",I say.He really is so adorable.

"Well Thank you so much.You are very Hot",He says.I start coughing !! I was expecting him to say you are beautiful or gorgeous but....I was totally not expecting him to say that !!

"Didn't expect that ??",He asks smirking.

"Yup",I say popping the 'p'.

"I knew it",Tobias says.I roll my eyes !! But I guess he didn't see it because he was busy driving !!

"Did you just roll your eyes at me ??",Tobias asks.Okay.He did see that.

"Yes !!",I say proudly.Tobias fake cries.

"Aww !! Don't cry little guy !! I'm so Sorry !!",I say teasing.

"It's Okay but my innocent little heart is still broken.So will you please

kiss me to make it better ??",Tobias says in a childish tone.

"Little guys don't get Kisses",I tease.

"Just shut up and kiss me already",Tobias says looking at me.I don't think.....I just lean forward and kiss him !! Tobias kisses back but he's more focused on the road since he is driving.

We break the Kiss after a while.

"I love you so much Tris",Tobias says looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"I love you too To-",I begin but stop because of what I see approaching !!

"TOBIAS !! LOOK IN FRONT !!",I scream.A truck is approaching from the front !! The Driver of the truck has entered a one way !!

"Shit !!",Tobias mutters and turns the car towards the left !! There is a tree in front !! I see Tobias frantically fidgeting with the breaks !!

"The car is not stopping !!",Tobias says in a panicky voice.

"It's okay Tobias !! We will die together !!",I say courageously he nods.But the truth is....I am terrified !! I don't want to die now !! I don't want Tobias to die !! We had a bright future ahead of us but now....We might die !!

"Tris....If we don't make it....I just want you to know that I love you very very much !!",Tobias says still fidgeting with the breaks.

"I know....Tobias.I love you too...Very very much !!",I say choking on my tears !!

Tobias keeps trying to get the car to a halt but is unsuccessful in doing so !!

CRASH !!! Our car hits the Tree !! The force of the hit causes our car to topple and I slowly feel life ebbing away from me !!!!

A/N : So that was the end of the Fifth Chapter !!! How was it ?? I know you guys probably want to kill me right now but....This Accident is the whole base of the story !! Things will get better eventually.....I promise !!! Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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