Chapter 1 : Invitation To The Party !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 1 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !! Check out the Media section of this Chapter....The pic is hilarious and also very cute !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

-The Next day-

Tris's POV

I wake up next to a sleeping Tobias.I love him so much !! I Kiss his forehead and then take my clothes and go to the washroom in order to take a shower.

Finally after sometime....I am done showering.I come out of the washroom and then go to the kitchen in order to make breakfast.

Tobias being the sleepyhead he still sleeping !! I decide to make Pancakes since they are Tobias's favourite.

While I am preparing the Batter......I feel someone's arms hug me from the back !! I Panic first but later relax into them realising that it's Tobias !!

"Good morning Honey",Tobias says.

"Good morning Sugar ",I reply back and then turn to face him.

"Sugar ?? Seriously ??",Tobias asks shocked.

"Umm...Yeah.Why not ??",I ask.He just shrugs !!

"You know....I love you so much Tris",Tobias says.

"Really ?? I didn't know that",I reply fake shocked.Teasing him !!

"What ?!?!?",Tobias asks puzzled.

"I'm just kidding.I love you too Tobias",I say and then lean in to Kiss him.

After we break the Kiss.....I rest my forehead on his !!

"I want to be with you Tris.Always,Always and Always !!",Tobias says.

"I want to be with you too Tobias.Forever and Always !!",I say.

"I love you so much",I say.

"I know.I love you too Tris",Tobias says and we kiss again !!

This Time our kiss is broken by a ringing voice.Tobias's mobile ringtone.

"I'll go get it !!",Tobias says and goes to get his mobile from the room while I resume making breakfast.

Tobias then comes back with his mobile.He did not pick it up yet so I see the name on the Caller ID.....Zeke !!

Tobias picks up the phone and puts it on loud speaker.

"Hey Four !! How are you ?? How is your married life ??",Zeke yells.

"Hi Zeke !! I'm fine...How are you ??",Tobias asks.

"Good.So now let's just stop talking like we are professional colleagues or something and let's just stop being so formal !!",Zeke says.

"Okay fine buddy",Tobias says.

"The main reason why I called you was to inform you about the Party",Zeke says and I sigh.

"What party ??",Tobias asks.

"Patience my Friend.I am telling you",Zeke says.

"Quit your silly advice and cut to the chase !!",Tobias yells making me laugh.

"Okay Okay.There is a party at my house today at 12:00 noon",Zeke says.

"What ?!?! Thats like after 2 hours !!",Tobias yells.

"Can you stop trying to make me deaf all the time ??",Zeke says.

"Shut up !!",Tobias yells again.

"I'm partially deaf now !",Zeke whines.

"Okay I'm Sorry for yelling",Tobias says softly this time.Aww !! How cute !! I love their friendship so much.I have always adored it.

"Its okay Mate.Go get ready.You've got a party to attend",Zeke says and Tobias rolls his eyes.

"Fine !!",Tobias says.

"Okay Bye",Zeke screams.

"Bye",Tobias yells and hangs up.

"Again Party ??",I ask.

"Yeah !! The gang will never change",Tobias says and I smile.

"True that !!",I say.

Me and Tobias then go and pick out the clothes that we will wear for the party.After that we eat the Pancakes.And after we do so there is an hour and a half left for the party so we decide to.....Sit on the couch and watch TV wrapped in each others arms.

A/N : Phew !! Finally Finished !! It was so difficult for me to not use '!' Anyways....that was the end of the First Chapter !!! How was it ?? Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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