Chapter 3 : The Hilariousness....

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is Chapter 3 !! I really hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !! Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :) 

Tris's POV

Zeke then says,"Okay Four.....I dare you too....Walk up to a complete stranger and act as if you know them for 3 minutes.See if they play along to avoid embarrassment !!".

As soon as Zeke finishes telling Tobias's dare....We all burst out laughing.

"Okay fine.I will do it !!",Tobias says.He then gets up from the Carpet.

"Who wants to witness ??",Tobias asks.

"Me !!",Everybody except Tobias of course say in unison !!

"Everyone ??",Tobias asks.We nod.

"Okay fine !!",Tobias says and then we all exit Zeke's house in order to find a stranger for Tobias's dare.

We finally find someone !! He is tall and has brown curls.He also has many tattoos on his arm.

Everyone including me and excepting Tobias hide.We then wait for the Stranger's reaction.Tobias walks towards him.

"Hellooo Frankie !!!!",Tobias screams and then hugs him.The stranger is shell shocked !!!

"Umm....Hi !! But my name is not Frankie and I don't know you",The stranger says breaking the hug.

All of us are trying very hard not to laugh right now.But it's really difficult because the situation is so hilarious.

"What ?!?!? You forgot your name ?? And you forgot me as well ?? My innocent little heart is broken !!",Tobias says and fake cries.

"My innocent little heart is broken is my dialogue",Uriah says softly.I laugh but immediately stifle my laugh.

"Uhh...Oh yeah I remember you",The stranger 'Frankie' says.

We burst out laughing but immediately stop laughing.The Stranger is playing along to avoid embarrassment !!

"You remember me ??",Tobias asks grinning.

"Yeah !!",The Stranger answers.

"So tell me who am I ??",Tobias asks.

"Huh ?? You are my....sisters best friends !!",Stranger 'Frankie' says.I want to laugh so hard now.

"Yay !! You remember me !! I am so proud of you Frankie !!",Tobias says and hugs 'Frankie' !!

"Uhh....Thanks !!",The Stranger says breaking the hug.

"How is your life Frankie ??",Tobias asks.

"Umm...Good !! How is your",Stranger asks.

"Great !!",Tobias says and then looks at me.3 mins are up.In fact 3 min's were up 2 mins ago !!

I show him a sign symbolizing 'Times up'.He nods.

"Oh my god !!",Tobias screams.

"What happened ??",The stranger asks.

"I just now realized that you are not Frankie.Bye !! I have to go to the real Frankie.Sorry for the inconvenience !!",Tobias says and runs towards us.

We all then run towards Zeke's house.We finally reach there.Zeke locks his house door and after that.....We all burst out laughing like the Amity lunatics !!

"Hahaha !! That was Hilarious Four.You played the act so well !!",Will says.

"Yeah Bro !! That was some cool acting !!",Destiny says.

"Frankie's expression was the bomb !! It was so hilarious !!",Chris says.

"Your acting was amazing Four !!",Uriah says.

"Thanks !!",Tobias says.

"Everyone sit down on the carpet",Zeke screams.We all sit down.

"Okay so.....Destiny.I dare you too......Pick the person directly to your left and use their name... and spell their personality !!",Tobias says.The person to her left is Ethan.He did that on purpose.I know it !!

"I agree to do it. So....Ethan !! E-.....Excellent T-Trustworthy H-Hot A-Adorable N-Neat !!",Des says.Ethan smiles.

"Thank you for that !!",Ethan says.

"Anything for you !!",Des says.Aww !!! So cute !!

Ethan smiles and Kisses Des.

"Aww !!!",Everyone says.Des and Ethan break the Kiss after sometime.

"Umm....Shauna !! Truth or Dare ??",Des asks.

"Uh....Truth !!",Shauna answers.

"PANSYCAKE !!",Uriah yells and Shauna slaps him on the back of his head.We burst out laughing.

Uriah fake cries !!

"I have learned a very important lesson today.....Never mess with your Sister in law !!",Uriah says and we all burst out laughing.Shauna smiles proudly.

"That's better Uri !!",Shauna says and Uri grins.

"Okay Shauna.Describe every pair in a maximum of 5 words.Including Yours and Zeke's pair",Des says.

"Isn't that a dare ??",Shauna asks.

"Umm....No !! Its Truth will tell the truth about how you feel about each pair !!",Des says and we all agree.

"Okay !! Marlene and Uriah-Cute and Adorable,Zeke and me-Love each other a lot,Christina and Will-Polar opposites but very cute,Destiny and Ethan-Very Adorable and Loving and The last pair......Four and Tris-My OTP ; Cutest pair on Earth !!!",Shauna says and we all thank her.

"Christina.Truth or Dare ??",Shauna asks.

"Dare",She answers confidently.

"I dare you to let....Tris do a complete makeover for you",Shauna says.

"Hell no !! I don't want Tris to ruin my face",Christina says and removes her jacket off .

I fake cry and pout.Chris gives me an apologetic look.I give her a smile assuring that I am not angry or sad.I was just kidding !!

"Okay....Four !! Candor or Dauntless ??",Chris asks.

"Uhh.....Dauntless !!",Tobias says.

Chris says,"I dare you too....

A/N : So that was the end of the Third Chapter !!! Sorry for the cliffy !!! How was the chapter ?? What do you think Christina will dare Tobias to do ?? Also Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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