Chapter 29 : The Victors !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 29 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Check out the Media Section !! The pic is so Adorable !! Anyways....Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :) 

Tris's POV

Uriah's team keeps climbing higher and higher up the Ferris Wheel.This makes me more and more tensed.

I don't want to do the punishment that the losing team has to do.I look at Four who is absolutely calm.As though he knows that we will definitely win.Overconfidence.

Maybe it's not overconfidence.Maybe it's the belief he has on his team.The belief that we will win.

"TRIS FOUR ZEKE !! WE HAVE GOT THE FLAG !!!",Des and Ethan scream coming closer to us with the glowing flag in their hands.Uriah's team was just a few steps close to Victory !! 

Which means.....WE WON !!!!

"Yay !! We won !!",Zeke screams.

"I knew it",Four says and I instantly know that Four calm look wasn't overconfidence but belief on his team.

"We won !!",Me and Des scream and hug each other.Zeke and Ethan hug each other.

"We won !!",Four screams and hugs me.I hug him back.

We break the hug later and see everyone smiling.Uriah,Des,Ethan,Chris,Shauna,Zeke,Will,Marlene all grinning like idiots.

"Okay since we won.....We get to give the loser team punishment",Ethan says and me,Four,Zeke and Des nod our heads.

Our opponent team sighs on hearing this.My team goes a little far away from the loser team so that we can discuss a punishment for them.

"What should we give them as a punishment ??",Des asks.

"Uhhh....I don't know.I've run out of ideas",Zeke says.

"Umm...Maybe we can......",Four begins and tells us the punishment.We agree to it since it's an amazing punishment.

We then go closer to our opponent team to tell them their punishment.

I tell them the Punishment,"Okay guys your Punishment is.....

A/N : That was the end of the Twenty Ninth chapter.How was the chapter ?? Sorry for the short chapter and the cliffy.What do you want the punishment to be ?? Don't forget to leave your comments for me :) 





 And remember 

 <4 ❤️❤️❤️    

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