Chapter 16 : The Dauntless Cafe Part 2 !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !!! Here is Chapter 16 !! I hope you like it !! Check out the Media section of this Chapter !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

But unfortunately.......I trip on the chair of the table he is sitting on,due to which the cup coffee in my hand slips and falls on his Shirt !!!

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ??",He screams getting up from the chair.

"I...I am so Sorry.It was a mistake.I didn't mean to get my coffee all over your shirt",I say.

"Oh really !! Sorry doesn't get my shirt back now does it ??",He screams.

"Uhh....",I struggle to continue.

"But on a brighter side it is good that you dropped your coffee on my shirt",He says.

"Huh ?? How ??",I ask.

"Now I can lodge a police complaint that you tried to kill me by putting hot coffee all over me",He says.

"Oh please !! The coffee wasn't that hot",I say.

"Sure it wasn't but how will the police know the truth ??",He asks.Ughh !! I want to kill him right now.

"Shut up !! In fact I am supposed to lodge a police complaint since you stole my book",I say.

"I paid for it",He says.

"But I reserved it",I say.

"I paid for it",He says again.

"I reserved it",I say again.

"I paid",He says repeats.

"I reserved",I say.

We keep doing the same thing until he finally says :-

"You know what.....I'm outta here.I'll go to some place where I don't meet Psycho's like you",He says.

"Look everyone !! The Jerk is speaking !!",I scream.

Big mistake !! Everyone is looking at us now.

"Look at the Mental lady !!",He screams.

"Look at the Idiot !!",I scream.

"Look at the Witch !!",He screams.

"Idiot",I say.

"Witch",He says.

"Idiot",I say again.

"Witch",He says.

"Idiot",I say again.

"Ughh !! I'm going.Bye Witch",He says.

"Bye Idiot",I say.

"Cliché Witch",He says and I roll my eyes.

He then leaves the cafe taking his/my book along with him.

I want to kill that Idiot !! He is so irritating !!

I eat my Cheesecake and then head home to tell Christina about "The Idiotic Book Thief" !!!!

Tobias's POV

I leave the cafe with my book in my hand.

Ughh !! The Witch is so irritating.I want to kill her !!

I then head straight towards home in order to change my shirt and tell Zeke about "The Mental Witch" !!!!

A/N : So that was the end of the Sixteenth Chapter !!! How was it ?? Things will get better eventually.....I promise !!! Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





And remember


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