Chapter 4: Stupid

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TW ⚠️!!!: Panic Attacks

I turn around and see a tall figure wearing a black cloak and an all too familiar black mask. A death eater. 

I take a step back and the death eater cackles. "Oh Snow. I cannot express to you how grateful I am to have the opportunity to see you again."  Fuck. That voice was so familiar. 

"G-Gale?" I watched in horror as he slowly removed his mask, revealing his psychotic smile. 

"Hello Snow. What a pleasure it is to meet you again." The world stopped. I was face to face with my abuser after more than a year, and yet I was still fucking afraid. I knew if I didn't snap out of it soon, I would be dead. I shook my head and got my wand out. 

"Oh, no, I'm not here to... to duel you, we'll have plenty of time for that later. I just wanted to formally greet you after so long. I couldn't wait! I was practically bursting with excitement." His dark brown eyes became even darker if that was possible, almost as dark as the pitch black sky. 

"FUCK OFF!" I flick my wand at him and chant a wordless spell in my head, sending him back into the backyard wall. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I pick him up by the collar of his shirt, he's always been lightweight. "WHY ARE YOU HERE? YOU ARE NOT ONE TO JUST POP BY AND SAY 'HEY.'" I scream and punch him in anger of having to see his disgusting, abusive face again. He pushes me off, a smirk still resting on his face, even as the blood drips from his nose. 

"I mean, just like you, I've changed." He cackles like a maniac as he stumbled backwards. 

He kept on mumbling all this shit about the past and the now future, and I couldn't take it. 

"REDUCTO!" Before the spell hit him however, he apparated away, leaving a trail of his blood. 

I sigh in defeat as I fall down onto my knees. I aggressively rub my hands over my eyes before quickly wiping away the blood using a spell.   

I get back upstairs and drift of into a restless sleep. I keep on tossing and turning and wake up sweating. My breath falls short. I try to get up but fall hopelessly on the ground on my knees. I clutch my chest with one hand. Gale is back. He really is and he's going to put me through hell again. 

My breathing speeds up and tears stream down my face. After I stop shaking somewhat, I force myself to get up and quickly change into a shirt and shorts. I feel as if the walls are about to fall on me. I try pushing them back but they keep crushing on me. My eyes shoot wide open. I'm in my shorts and tshirt, but I realize no walls are about to crush me. I look at the clock and see that it's 7 a.m. I sigh and get out of the house. I can't stand being in there for another minute. 

I begin running around the lake, which is about a 1/2 mile round. I think I go around 3 times as sweat drips all over me. I keep thinking about Tyler and Gale, and their reappearance in my life. This thought makes me run more. As if I'm running, running for my life, away from them, but no matter how fast and far I run, they are still behind me. 

Eventually my soft pants turn into desperate cries as I try to get air in my lungs. Thank the lords no one is there to witness this. I can't stop running to catch my breath, if I do, it'll be like Gale and Tyler catch up to me again.  

Soon however, my legs can't take it anymore and they start to stop, and I stumble to the side. My back hits a tree as I sink to the ground, panicking more than ever. All the memories I've suppressed for a whole year come rushing back to me.  

I can't breathe at all, it's as if my heart is beating a million miles a minute. I cry helpless sobs at my fucking helpless situation. I stay there for a few minutes I think, my breathing and heart rate barely slowing down. I grip the back of the tree to help me stand back up but I end up falling to the ground again, breaking out into sobs. 

I hear my name faintly in the distance.  

"SNOW? SNOW?" I look up and with my tear blurred vision, I see a tall figure making their way to me. I feel arms drape around me. I don't even have to look to know it's Sky. Thank god he goes on morning runs. I sob into his shoulder. 

"Wanna tell me what happened?" He slowly assists me up from the ground and onto a nearby bench. 

"No, I- I can't explain it... to anyone. It's so fucking stupid." I bury my face in my hands before slowly running it through my hair. 

He simply nods and just sits next to me, looking down at the lake. "Hold on, I'll be right back."  

He hurries on over a few feet in front of us and grabs a few rocks. He gives me a handful. "My sister used to do this. She would throw rocks into the lake and yell out profanities, her problems, all that shit. Just pretend the water is your punching bag. Not like it's gonna get offended. Better to let it out than keep it bottled in." I take a deep breath and step forward a bit, closer to the lake. 

I throw one rock at the water. And another, and another, until I can't help it and I fucking yell like it's the Hunger Games. 

When I finish the pile of rocks, I look back and see Sky grab rocks and do the same. When he's done, he looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. 

"So... today's your last day?" I nod slowly and look up at his dark brown eyes. 

"I'll miss you Sky. Love you." I give him a hug. When I'm about to leave, he tells me words that I've been dying to hear. 

"Take care of yourself Snow, you deserve it." He waves and turns the opposite direction. 

Hey guys!!! Hope u liked this chapter :))) PLSSSS leave me suggestions on how to improve. Longer chapters and more fun stuff coming soon ~~~

Word Count: 1095

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