Chapter 20: Platonic

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This is a significant time jump ( a few days after she had detention with Mattheo)Also sorry for the slow updates lol. 

It's been a few days. I still was trying to find the right words to tell Loren. We had to break up. It wouldn't be right of me to lead him on while we were in a relationship and I had feelings for another that were recently reignited. I didn't want to cut Loren out of my life completely, but I certainly didn't want anything romantic with him.  

I kept thinking about how I would tell him I wanted a platonic relationship, but nothing came to my head. I'd feel terrible since I would've hurt his feelings.  I groaned, slamming my head on the table. I looked to the side of my bed, where the pile of gifts I got on my birthday still stood. They still weren't organized, and since I didn't want to think of anything else,  I stood up and went up to go organize all my stuff. The silver knife that Cho gave me, I went to put it with the knife I packed when I first came to Hogwarts. Before I put it away, I paused, putting it in my pocket, thinking one day I might need it. 

After a few minutes, I finished organizing everything. That didn't take that long, surprisingly. I began to get up, thinking I would head to the library to finish my homework in peace. On my way there, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Loren. 

"Hey," he said. 


He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion to my dry response. "Wanna.... go to the library together?" 

I just nodded quickly, thinking this would be a good time to break up with him. 

"You never told me what happened at detention with him," he said. 

"Well, you're making it sound like you're expecting me to do something wrong," I cringed at that, considering I did technically do something wrong. 

"I'm not suggesting that I'm just-" 

"NOTHING! Nothing happened ok? Can we just... go?" 

"Why are you getting so worked up? You're just making me think something happ-" 

"LOREN! Shut up! You know, I was going to break it down slowly to you, but let me fucking clear right now, you and your constant whining and shit is getting to my head. We're over. For real this time." My face immediately softened. Shit shit shit, that's not how I was supposed to do it! 

His mouth gaped open in shock. His eyes were becoming glassy as slight tears were building up in them. "Loren I'm so sorry that's not how I meant too-" 

"But you were going to break up with me either way," his voice cracked in the middle of his sentence. "It makes sense. A guy like me with a girl like you." Tears are really about to fall down his face now and he turns around and begins walking away. 

"Loren... it.. it's not like that!" He halfway turns around. A few tears streaming down from his eyes. "I just.... I don't know anymore! I don't know how much longer I can handle this. You're right, something happened between us. I didn't kiss him or anything, it just wouldn't feel right if we stayed together! Please... don't hate me." 

He looks as if he's about to say something, before changing his mind and leaving. I always end up hurting someone. 

Hey guys! Sorry for the slow and kinda lackluster updates. I'm not feeling too gud mentally but I'm tryna push through :))) Thanks for all the support. 

Word Count: 609

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