Chapter 7: Hogwarts, here we come.

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Third Person POV: 

Harry and Snow walked through the train station, a black dog next to them, however, to anyone who knew, it was clear that it was their godfather, Sirius. They kept looking around for a place where they could privately talk for a moment, and though they were being careful, there was one person they missed that was observing them, particularly, Snow.  

Mattheo Riddle, master at disguise and stealth. He had to be, given his background. In the 9 months before his return to Hogwarts, he only had one thing on his mind. Survival. He knew his father returning meant no good. Even when his father was taking over a weakened body, he had a horrible tension surrounding him, so him gaining his body back was a recipe for disaster. He kept on worrying about Snow's well being. She was the realest thing, aside from his mother, that he'd ever had, and now she was the main target of his father. 

He couldn't even keep her trapped in his arms away from danger as much as wanted to, all he could do was observe from a distance, see if there were any signs of forgiveness in her eyes.  

He hid behind the pillar as he noticed Snow look in his particular direction. When he looked back out, he saw them entering a room. He quickly turned into a small bird, his animagus form. It had brown feathers, as dark as his hair, and even darker brown eyes and a slightly crooked beak. 

Using a spell, he heard the conversation going on inside. He heard the mature voice of Sirius Black. 

"Well, if that's all.... I wish both of you luck. I am so, very proud of you two." The father in his voice shined out and his love for the two teens was clear.  " But Snow, you still didn't answer my question." 

The young girl sighed before responding. " I told you, Sky is just a friend I met over the break. He's.... a great guy and I truly care about him. He's one of my best friends." Mattheo's heart sunk a little at that. Sure, she was claiming he's just a friend, but was he really?  Had she already moved on from him? The thought gave him intrusive and violent thoughts like no other.  

"He sounds like a nice guy, based on what you told me about him." Snow was shocked to hear her overprotective brother speak about a guy this way. 

"Who are you and what happened to Harry?" 

"What happened to Harry is one of his friend's died and his parents killer's back." 

Silence filled the room after Harry's statement. Only thing that was occasionally heard was the slight breathing of Snow and Sirius. 

"Everything's going to change now," said Harry. 

"You're right," chimed Sirius. " But that is no excuse for dwelling on the past events, go with the flow, do your work, stay close to your friends, and everything else will follow. Understand?" 

There were a few more sounds of shuffling and goodbyes before Harry and Snow exited the room. With Mattheo's look, she looked to the side and saw the bird. He tried to act as bird like as possible. She squinted at the bird for a minute before following her brother to the train station. After a few minutes, he turned back into his human form and rushed to the platform. As soon as he had all this suitcases in the train bins, he headed to the prefect's area.  

He sighed and sat down as the other 3 prefects filled in. He rested his head on the back of his seat. Finally, the train was set in motion. He stayed silent while the other prefects discussed. This was pretty normal as the other prefects were never interested in engaging in conversation with him. 

"Mattheo." He looked up and saw the Hufflepuff prefect. She was a smart girl, more than people gave her credit for, and she never said anything bad about Mattheo, though she never suggested anything good about him either. That was something he appreciated. Mattheo hummed in response. 

"They're handing out pastries for free to all the prefects, we're all going, want to come?" She put on her signature smile while waiting for a response. 

"No," he simply stated. 

"Are you sure? This is the first time they're doing it and I'm sure they have-" 

"I said no!" She jumped back at his sudden loudness and quickly nodded before exiting. He groaned. Why did he have to be so harsh! 

Meanwhile, at the other side of the train sat Snow with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Hermione and Ron were talking and occasionally Snow joined, but Harry was practically dead silent the whole time. Snow knew something was amiss about her brother, but she chose not to comment on it and waited to see if he would mention something. 

Eventually, Hermione and Ron gave up on trying to get us all to speak so they too remained silent. Snow suddenly stood up as she remembered she had something to do. "I'll be back." 

She quickly walked out in a hurry, practically running. She snuck in the prefects door and peeked through the tiny opening in the door. Only Mattheo was there, good. 

She pushed open the door and marched down the slightly long alleyway that led to Mattheo. 

"I told you, I don't want to-" He looked up and widened his eyes in surprise. "Snow, what are you-" He was immediately cut off with Snow punching him in the right cheek.  

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He stood up and realized he no longer towered over her as much as he used to. He stopped himself before doing anything else. 

"Eavesdropping isn't really nice." 

So she did know. He thought. 

"But then again, what did I expect from Old Voldy's son. He's gotta be a fucking cunt too, right?" 

"Snow, you never let me fully explain myself,  I-" 

"I don't want to hear it. Why are you even here this year? To inflict more damage upon Hogwarts? Upon me? And Harry? Believe me, when I find out what you're up too, I will not spare you this time." She rushed out of there, slamming the door behind her. 

He sat back in his seat and rubbed his cheek, which hurt and was feeling sore. He already had enough cuts and bruises from over the break. He pulled out a mini mirror to see the damage, and saw a reddish, purple bruise forming on his cheek. He knew this was his fault, but he wanted to make amends with Snow. He NEEDED to make amends with her. She was one of the only people he had left, and he was going to hold on for dear life if he had too. 

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Word Count: 1149

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