Chapter 11: Detention

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"Oh my god you little dummy, who the fuck else would I go with?" 

He laughed of relief before getting something out of his pocket. "I'm pretty sure you got all the details for the party, but in case you didn't... here they are-" He handed it out to me and I took it. 

"Thanks. I'm gonna... head out now. Bye Loren!" I quickly make my way out and head for the Gryffindor common rooms.   

When I entered I hastily made it to the common room. Thank goodness Harry was there. "Harry, we need to talk." He closed his book and looked at me while I sat next to him. "Shut up, and let me speak and don't interject. Nod if you got it." 

He nodded quickly. 

"Right. So, the triwizard tournament, it was tragic, I get it, and you're traumatized and you're worried you're not following your destiny to stop Voldy or whatever, I understand. But I mean, come on Harry, you can't just go to the mountains to look for him! He will come to us and when he does, we will be ready to kick ass. It's our destiny to kill him. We survived his curse for a reason." I took a deep breath after my splurge. "You can comment now." 

"I don't Snow, what do you want me to tell you. Yes, maybe I feel guilty that my family and you were harmed, but there's nothing I can do about it. And it makes me feel helpless. NO ONE understands. Not Ron, Hermione, Ginny, no one!" 

"How do you expect them to understand if you don't tell them about it?" I scoff. " Harry, I know you've had it rough, but you can't stop your entire life for this. You need to accept the fact that these evils are a part of our life. We just gotta roll with it!" I put on a smile, even though, deep down, I feel the same way. 

"I wish my life was as simple as yours Snow. I don't take everything so lightly." He looked at me with no emotion, and for the first time in my life, Harry scared me. 

"What do you MEAN, that I take things lightly?" Did he think I didn't care about these things. 

"I mean that I actually take care of things, I don't brush everything off, and I don't make stupid decisions, like, getting with the enemy, or just completely forgetting about the threats we face EVERYDAY! All you do is lollygag around, looking for a precious boyfriend, and honestly, I'm sick of it." He stood up and began to leave. 

"WELL AT LEAST I DON'T FUCKING ABANDON MY FRIENDS!" I stomp out and bump into him on my way to the dorms. When I jump onto my bed, I can't help but feel a sort of spite for Harry. I understand he's angry, but I mean seriously? I've dealt with worse, and him saying I don't care about what goes on is downright bad.  

He can go have fun with Umbridge in detention for all I care. 

When I finish my homework, it's only 6 p.m, so I still have 2 more hours until detention. I may find school stupid, but I absorb information very quickly and therefore can pass school with little-moderate effort. 

When I get bored of constantly laying down on my bed, I whine out for my roomate, aka mah bestie. "Giiiiiinnnnyyyyyyy!" 

I know she's in the room, and judging by my voice, I'm sure she's ignoring me. "GINNY!" She still doesn't respond. I sit up in my bed and look at her. She is giving me the stare a disappointed parent would give. "Ginny, Ginny, Ginny, Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny Ginny-"

"STOP IT WILL YOU? God, what is it?" 

"I'm bored." I smile mischievously and prepare myself for when she puts me in a chokehold. 

"GINNY!" I bang my fist against her chest before pushing her back.

"Oh you did not just hit my tits, that fucking HURTS!" 

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