Chapter 8: The Park

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Snow's POV:  

Mini Chapter

The next day, at 4:45 PM, I forced myself off the couch and started sauntering to the park. I kept muttering words of comfort to myself, trying to convince myself this was a good idea. I sat at a random bench. If he really cared to find me, he wouldn't care where I sat. I sat there for a brutal 5 minutes when he appeared. I immediately stood up but was surprised to find his usual smile wasn't on his face. 

"Why did you tell me to com here, Tyler?" He sat down on the bench, looking lost. I slowly sat back down next to him, keeping a good two feet between us. The park was sadly empty of any residents for whatever reason. 

"I know Adalie is here, in California. And I know Mattheo came here today. Now I can expose all these things to Voldemort. Or, you do the next thing I'm about to say." And there it is. How dare I expect he have any sympathy whatsoever. "That was cruel, what you did a couple months ago. Giving me fake papers. But this time I won't be so easy to trick." I inhaled, taking in everything he was saying. "Tomorrow, at 12 PM on the dot, you'll be receiving a package in the mail. You are to put it at an address that will be stated in the packaging. I will be aware if you fail to do so." He stands up, and begin leaving. However, he delivers one final blow before he leaves. "Rebellion looks good on you." 

How the hell does he know everything? I start doing drugs and alcohol and somehow he knows. It's like I don't have privacy anymore.  I start my 10 minute journey back home, and as soon as I'm in my room, I collapse onto the bed and scream into a pillow. Therapeutic. But the effect lasts barely 10 seconds. 

I didn't have the energy nor reason to come up with a reason to trick Tyler. He said he'd know, and I'd have to believe he would end up realizing. So for now, as much as it pains me, I'd have to do what he requested. I felt myself spiraling into a whole of pity and darkness until I dozed into a restless sleep filled with nightmares. 

There's your double update~~ Ik it's short but it's like 11:20 PM and I'm TIRED cause I had math to doooo. 

1.) What do you think is in the package? 

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