Chapter 8: Umbitch

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Snow's POV: 

I stomped my way back into the compartment and sat back down, earning me a questioning glare from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

"Well what?" I threw my arms up in exasperation. Every single thing was pissing me off. 

"Care to tell us where you went and why you're back here acting like a 2 year old?" And here we go once again, with Harry's interrogations. 

"Oh so now you decide to speak?" 

Everyone shut up after that and we barely spoke when we got off the train. All the fifth years went ahead and came up to the carriages that would lead them to the castle. When me, Harry and Hermione got into a carriage, a platinum blonde haired girl was already sitting there. I just prayed it wasn't Draco's sister. 

"Whoa, look that that!" Harry pointed to the left of us and to a deranged looking creature. 

"That's a thesteral," I say. I remember learning about this at our old school, though I don't remember much about its qualities. 

"I don't see anything," Hermione said. Ron shook his head, suggesting he couldn't see anything either. 

"That's odd," I say. 

"No it's not." We all got startled after hearing a soft, dreamy voice. It came from the blonde girl. 

"Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am." Her voice had a melody to it, almost creepy, but at the same time, gentle. 

"Everyone, this is Luny

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"Everyone, this is Luny..." Hermione stopped herself when she realized what she said. "Uh... Luna Lovegood. She's a Ravenclaw." 

Luna gave a small smile and returned back to her newspaper. Somehow, I had a feeling we'd be great friends. 

When we finally reached Hogwarts, everyone streamed in and sat at their respected tables. Harry remained silent practically the whole time, while I looked around the hall. When I looked at the table, I saw most of the same professors there, except Alastor Moody, instead, there was another, small, petite lady in his place, wearing all pink. I almost threw up in disgust when I realized it was that bitch from the ministry who kept insisting Harry was guilty. 

I nudged Harry in the shoulder and jerked my head towards the lady. He rolled his eyes when he saw her and went back to his food.  

I'll admit, I didn't pay attention to the sorting ceremony and only paid attention when Dumbledore began his speech. 

"Students! Students! Please!" Everyone stopped chattering and shifted their focus to Dumbledore. 

"Thank you. Now, first off, first years,  welcome to Hogwarts, and everyone else, hope you're ready for a brand new year. May I remind you, that curfew is at 9:30 P.M, and the Forbidden Forest is prohibited of entry FROM ANY STUDENT! Secondly, we have a new defense against the dark arts, all the way from the ministry, Professor Dolores Umbridge! Also, we have Professor Grubbly Plank to take over Hagrid, while he is on temporary leave." I heard a few Slytherins snigger, and me and the other members of the golden group looked at each other in confusion. 

When Dumbledore continued, he was quickly interrupted by a small cough from Umbridge. She slowly stood up and had a bittersweet smile on her face as she made her way up to the front.  

"Thank you headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." God, for a small lady, she was really fucking loud. " And how lovely to see all your bright, lovely faces, smiling up at me." I quickly glanced around and saw no one smiling. I held back a laugh. Her overconfidence almost gave me second hand embarrassment. " I'm sure we're all going to be, very, good friends. The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something historic to this school, progress, for the sake, of progress, must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect, what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She finished her dumbass speech with another fake, rat's ass smile before proceeding to her chair.   

"She's bonkers," said Ron. 

"Professor Umbridge? Professor Umbitch is more like it," I claimed. Ginny laughed at my statement and went back to talking with her friends. 

We all kept talking. Harry got my attention and leaned over and asked me, " Where'd you disappear to on the train?" 

I sighed and decided I might as well give him an answer. " I went to the prefect's compartment to punch Mattheo." I took a bite of my roast chicken. 

He looked dumbstruck as he stared right at me. "You what?" 

"He's an illegal animagus and was listening to our conversation with Sirius so I punched his dumbass for invading our privacy!" I slammed down my fork. "Did that answer your question Harry?" He nodded quickly and went straight back to eating. I groaned in frustration and marched out of the Great Hall, horribly aware of the stares I was getting. 

When I turned the corner, I gasped in shock as I ran into Loren. "God you scared me!" He looked down at me but didn't say anything. I shook my head and tried to walk around him but he just stepped back in front of me. "What do you want, Loren?" 

"To talk, uhm. There were some things left... unsaid, last time we talked." He looked down at his hands, fiddling his fingers. 

"I don't think so, I think we got out everything we needed to say Loren. What's done is done. We aren't friends or lovers, just schoolmates, it's as simple as that, now can I please go?" 

He stepped back in front of me and held out a hand. "Just, can we just talk things through and maybe not have a screaming match?" I sighed and nodded, the quicker this went by, the faster I could get some sleep.  

"I understand, I was a jerk, I wasn't in the right state of mind, and I am trying to change, I really am, but one thing was clear even then, I really cared about you. What I mean to say is.... you changed me, and I want to show you how, and even if we just start out as friends, just know, I won't stop until we can develop into something more." He gave me a weak smile. I nodded at this. I understood what he was saying, and though I no longer liked him, I did worry for him. 

"Loren, I understand. I really do, we just can't jump back into it that quickly. I need you to understand that." I grabbed his hand and rubbed it reassuringly. He looked down at our hands and back up at me. His eyes darted and were searching my eyes. I don't know how, but somehow this felt like the first time we met, almost a year ago. When my feelings and hormones were off the charts.

I sighed and grabbed the back of his neck and brought it to mine. It felt wrong but also familiar. I don't even know what caused me to do this. Impulse over logic I suppose. 

His to arms wrapped behind the small of my back to slightly push me up. 

"Ahem." We both immediately pushed away from each other and looked around to see who made the sound. We were in a very secluded part of the hallway, far from any of the dorms, so someone would have to be looking for something specific in this area to find us. 

Loren nudged my elbow and I found the source of the sound. Mattheo was standing there, in his prefect uniform, hands in his pockets. He cleared his throat before speaking. " Everyone is heading to their dorms, I suggest you two do the same." Loren looked back at me and smiled a goodbye before heading out. Mattheo didn't even look at him while he walked out and just kept his eyes trained on me. I finally begin walking out of the hallway. I pause for a second when I reach next to him. I look into his eyes and see anger and hurt. Before I say something I regret, I walk to the dorms. 

I banged my fists against my head. Fuck fuck fuck. I'm so stupid. Did I just.... kiss my ex boyfriend... my ex mentally insane boyfriend. Oh my god..... 

Thanks for reading! PLEASEEEEEE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS on how I can improve or stuff/scenes you want me to add. Please vote and comment if you feel like it! 

Word Count: 1452

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