Chapter 7: Land of the Free

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Third Person POV:  

TW: Alcohol 

What's so special about California? What's so important that Mattheo had to lie to come here? Easy. Two people. Snow Potter and Adalie Riddle. Since it was summer, the sun was still up, despite it being a little later than 6. He walked into a café nearby, just walking around. He wanted to see what was so special about the land of the free, and how the people on television appeared to be so happy and carefree. No one's reality was like that. 

The door rang and the girl at the counter looked up and put on her 'work smile.' 

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" 

"Uh..." He quickly went through the menu, not sure what to get. "Coffee, two cream to sugar?" He had no idea what that even was, but it's what he heard on television. 

"That'll be 3.98 please." Mattheo dug out the little muggle money he had and pulled out a 5 dollar bill. "And can I get a name for the order?" 

"Mattheo," he responded by receiving the change from the barista. 

"Wait- Mattheo?" He turned around, praying she wasn't secretly a witch. 


"Mattheo Riddle?" He nodded and felt relieved when he saw a smile on the girls face. "Oh my god, you're Snow's boyfriend, aren't you?" 

"H- how do you know?"

"She works here, and she talked about you." 

The surprise was apparent on his face when he heard this. "Good things, I hope!" He gave a nervous laugh, not sure what to say. 

"All good things. You're not her main topic of discussion but when it comes up, it's just compliment after compliment after compliment." His cheeks grew a warm red and he just cleared his throat, mummering a quick thanks before standing off to the side, waiting for his order. He was sitting at a table, looking at the view, just staring into space. "Mattheo!" He flinched at the sudden call and saw the barista from behind the counter holding his drink. He approached with a smile and picked it up. "How old are you again?" 

He was dumbfounded by the question, but answered none the less. "18." 

"Woah!" Her eyes widened in shock. "And she's 16!" He knew what it sounded like, but it wasn't that at all.  

" know, but I'm only a year ahead of her at school. And I'm not like... you know." He chuckled nervously, feeling somewhat judged by the new girl. 

"Oh- no, I'm not concerned about it, I'm just shocked, you look younger!" She gave a genuine smile before handing a few napkins to him. "Enjoy your time in America." The blue eyes girl, as if nothing at all happened, went back to the counter. 

He walked out, sipping the warm beverage. Although part of him regretted not getting it iced since the weather outside was rather warm for his taste. From his knowledge, he know the apartment Snow lived in was only a 5 minute walk. 

Snow's POV: 

Adalie had left. The letter has left me spooked. All I could do right now was drown in my mind of thoughts and emotions. I read something like that in a book once. About feeling like how no solution was becoming present in your mind no matter how desperately you wanted it too. Two empty beer bottles were sitting at my table. I hated it. I hated how I relied on it to get me through my day. I wanted it to stop. I really did. But everytime I did, I would get terrible panic attacks and terrible flashbacks of everything the alcohol erased. 

A knock on my door brought me back from my thoughts. I looked at the gum packet on my table and stuffed three pieces in my mouth. I spelled away the bottles and brushed out my hair very quickly. I had neighbors who knew I was 16, they couldn't know about this. I open the door, still chewing on the gum and am shocked by the sight I see. I freeze. Shit shit shit!  He can't see my like this! 

"W- what are you doing here?" He had a small smile on his face. "Oh, right." I motioned for him to step inside and led him into the living room. 

"Why? Not happy to see me?" 

I scoff and wrap my arms around him. "Of course I am, idiot." And it was true, I was happy to see him, but I wish I was in the right state of mind to fully enjoy this surprise. We make it to the couch and we just sit in silence for a few moments. "Did something bad happen?" 

He shook his head, no, and looked down at me. "No, no, I just wanted to check in. How's Adalie, did you meet her yet?" 

"She's good, and I met her today, actually. She left about an hour ago." 

"Is she settling in alright?" He asked in a worried tone. 

"Yes, yes, she likes Sky." I think for a moment, until it suddenly hit me. He sit up and stare at him directly in his eyes. "Are you here because of the letter because I swear-" 

"Hmm?" He clearly seemed confused. "What letter?" So he didn't know. Thank god. 

"N- nothing. I'm just a little confused, that's all." He gave me a look, telling me he knew I was lying. "It's not important, trust me." Guilt immediately washed over me when I said that. It was about his sister, and I was lying to him. 

"How are you doing though?" He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me a little closer to him when he asked. "I hear things have been a little tough." I sigh in response. Do I tell him? He's getting clean of drugs, he'd understand. 

"It's all good. A little... tough, but I'll get through it." He nodded at my answer and brought me even closer, as if everything was about to be lost. 

"I should tell you," he began, "I'm clean. 100%." 


"That's amazing! I'm proud of you." I really was proud of him, but as I sunk back into his arms and he snuggled against me, all I could feel was shame. "Do you want to go visit Adalie?" He nodded against my head and pulled back. 

"Yeah, I think I do. It was nice seeing you." He kissed my forehead before standing up to go. "See you at school. Love you." With that, he left. The two words he said lingered in the air for a moment, making me feel a sense of euphoria, before it vanished and I was back at square one. 

Thanks for reading guys! If anyone can give me tips or suggestions with how I hande Snow's drinking + drug problem or how to make it more realistic, it's much appreciated! Another update should be coming through later tonight unless something goes haywire. 

1.) Who do you think sent the letter? 

2.) Do you prefer 3rd person or 1st person POVs? 

3.) Is the 1 and a half year age gap between Snow and Mattheo a big deal? 

Thanks for reading!

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