Chapter 14: The Forbidden Forest

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Third Person POV: 

TW: Mentions of drugs

Snow stood up, spelling away all the evidence of all the unholy things she'd just done

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Snow stood up, spelling away all the evidence of all the unholy things she'd just done. 

"Where you going?" Loren asked, still smoking. 

Snow, too stoned to even think about keeping some words to herself, blurted out, "The Forbidden Forest," all too casually. 

"T- the what? Snow, maybe not go while you're out of it..." 

She shook her head, to show he shouldn't be worried. "I'll be fine." She started walking down the astronomy tower. "Don't tell anyone." 

Loren wanted to say something, but decided against it. It was like, the moment she had to leave, the Snow he was just joking around with minutes ago was gone. Drugs do that. But so does anxiety and depression, which she clearly has.  

Loren sighed until he noticed she left her jacket behind. "Wait you left your jacket behind!" He yelled out. But she was already long gone. He figured he'd give it tomorrow. 

She snuck out of the castle, sure that no one saw her, and made her way to the Forbidden Forest. The dread she was feeling before was no longer there. She as feeling sedated, and whether that is a good or bad thing can be debated. As the wind blew, Snow entered the Forbidden Forest. Peacefully walking. She stopped a tree, about 5 minutes into her walk at the Forbidden Forest, refusing to go any further. She knew Tyler had eyes on her, and if he did, he'd pop out when he wanted to. Leaning against the tree, the brunette had a bored look on her face. She paced around the same tree a couple times, waiting. And waiting. And waiting. 

Until she heard... 

"HELP!" She jumped. No longer feeling calm. Her pupils widened in fear. Her mouth gaped open in shock. Her hands trembled. "SNOW, help me!" 

No... it couldn't be. How could they find her...  

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE, I'M COMING!" Snow yelled out, her voice clearly displaying terror. 


Loren was still at his place. Staring at the view, except he put all his stuff away, just staring. He was amusing himself with his own thoughts, a small smile playing on his face. He barely heard the footsteps making their way up the stairs. But he could recognize those footsteps from anywhere. Without even looking back, he said, "Hey Mattheo." He turned his face to turn Mattheo, the smile still on his. "Fancy seeing you here." 

He coughed uncomfortably, and looked around. "Was Snow here before?" Loren shook his head no, and went back to looking at the view. 

"That's odd... because she was supposed to meet me here at around midnight."

"My answer remains, she wasn't here." 

"Is that so?" 

He nodded, staring directly in Mattheo's eyes. 

"Then why is her jacket right there?" Loren's eyes widened as he noticed. Shit. Of all the things he's missed, how the hell did he miss that. "Or to be accurate, it's mine. She borrowed it." 

"Ok fine, I came up to the astronomy tower, and her jacket was here. But I didn't see her. She must've left," he lied. 

Mattheo walked over and picked up the jacket. "Did you do something to her again? She has enough to deal with without you messing it all up." 

"I did nothing. I didn't even see her." Mattheo squinted his eyes in suspicion before walking back down the astronomy tower. 

He prayed she just went to the dorms to get sleep. At the same time, all the red flags began to raise for him. Snow wasn't the Snow he knew, for a while at least. 

The Forbidden Forest. 

The shock was still registered on Snow's face as she ran through the woods, towards the scream. 

"Please help me!"   

Snow was dripping in sweat. She was registering, and at the same time, not registering the seriousness of the situation. Tears were forming in her eyes as she ran with the wand in her hand. The haunting, familiar voice was driving Snow insane. 

"I'm coming Adalie!" Snow yelled out, feeling helpless. 

Short chapter this week, my apologies. 

Do we think Mattheo believes Loren? 

Predictions for the next chapter? 

Opinion on my new book cover? PLSSS be honest cause ill happily change it to the old one 

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