Chapter 10: Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Snow's POV: 

I threw the book I had in my hand on the desk as I walked out the library, too frustrated to care about the yells of the librarians. 

Wrong. Mattheo was wrong. I didn't read his letters because I didn't want to hear his bullshit excuses, I knew nothing Mattheo said would change my mind. Or did I? Fuck, what am I saying, of course I know. 

"Snow?" I look to the left to where the sound came from. "Snow, what're you doing here?" 

I turn around and almost jump when I see Harry. "God, you scared me. I'm just coming back from the library, what's the matter?"  

"We have defense against the dark arts, did you forget?" 

Fuck, I did. "Yeah, I did, probably because I don't want to take any classes with Professor Umbitch. IN FACT! I will stand right here.... until that class is over." 

"WELL!" Harry begins to drag me across the hall, despite my protests. "Not like you have a choice." He struggles to pull me along and groans in frustration. It takes a lot in me to not laugh. 

"Damn Harry, maybe build some meat on your bones." 

"SHUT UP SNOW! GOD! GINNY!" He notices Ginny on the other side. "Help, please. I'll pay you five galleons!" 

"You don't need to tell me twice." Ginny hops on over and helps Harry drag me. 

"NOT FAIR! Two against one!" Ginny finally succeeds in pushing me a few feet away from the door. 

"Good luck both of you, she's a pain in the arse." She gives her signature wave before heading out. 

"I swear to god Harry, if Voldy doesn't kill you first, I WILL!" I stomp into the classroom and I almost slap Harry when I find out we're five minutes early. "HARRY. JAMES. POTTER. IF YOU'RE SO FUCKING BRAVE, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND SIT NEXT TO ME, WE CAN HAVE A LOVELY TIME IN CLASS TOGETHER!" I hear Ron's slight snickers behind me. "Fuck you too Ronald." 

"Oh come on mate, take it easy on your brother, he's still upset about... whatever he's upset about." I slapped my head. How could I be so stupid to forget to talk to him about it. "I'm... assuming you didn't talk it out with him yet?" 

I shake my head no and look to the other side of the classroom. Thankfully Harry's distracted talking to Hermione. Before I could say something, more students began to file in, suggesting I should probably take a seat as well. I sat down and smiled when Astoria Greengrass sat next to me. She was truly a kind soul. 

Two girls, Parvati and someone else I believe were playing around with a paper flying bird, but their faces fell when it burned and fell to the ground. Everyone immediately looked up, since they felt a presence in the room. An unwanted, unfriendly, troubling presence. 

"Good afternoon, students." Umbitch was standing at the top in her perpy, deplorable pink outfit. "Today, we will be going over the curriculum, and perhaps over a few basic things. Your education throughout the years has been horribly inconsistent, I am here to solve that problem. Now-" With a flick of her wand, she distributed the books to all of us. "These books are ministry approved, and safe." 

Oh goody, of course they are. 

Hermione raised her hand before asking a question. "Uhm, professor, there is nothing here about using defensive spells?"  

"Defensive spells? Oh dear, I don't see why you'd have to use spells in my class!" She smiled and looked at the class again.  

"Of course we need to defend ourselves! When we are out in the real world it isn't going to be SAFE!" I turned around to look at Harry. I was surprised he said something like this. He must've really had issues over the summer. 

"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?" 

"Oh I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort!" Whispers began spreading around the class. 


Oh fuck no, I ain't remaining silent. "Umbridge, I don't know where you've been this summer, but there are dangers out there! Me and Harry witnessed it first hand! VOLDEMORT IS BACK!" 

"SILENCE! I WILL HAVE ORDER!" I swear, her eyes turned red for a split second. She took a deep breath and calmed back down into her fake, smiling demeanor. "Now now, there are no dangers out there. The ministry has made sure of that. Now, we can all have a pleasant education, with no concerns, or worries!" 

"OH PLEASE UMBRIDGE!" I throw my book down on the floor. And sit back in defiance. 

"Your ministry is refusing to believe the fact that Voldemort is back! He is-" 

"DETENTION! BOTH OF YOU! Tonight!" She turned around walked up to the chalkboard and proceeded with the lesson, which honestly, I couldn't give a rat's ass about. 

When class FINALLY ended, I was UP, out of there. School was over and I was NOT, looking forward to detention whatsoever. I needed to talk to someone...... Luna, perfect. 

"Luna!" She turned around, her cheeks looking rosy. 

"Hello Snow," she almost sung. 

"Ok... so, I need the password for your Ravenclaw clubhouse, PLEASE!" 

"I'm assuming to visit Loren? The password's lemon ice. You're going to have to answer a riddle before entering however. Good luck Snow!" She quickly turned around and then began skipping away.  

Once I made it to the clubhouse, I said the password and waited for the riddle. THANK GOD it was easy. 

When I stepped inside, I took in the room. It was so beautiful and elegant. Since classes just ended a few minutes ago, most people were outside with their girlfriends or at the lake taking a swim while summer still lasted, giving me the perfect opportunity to enter Loren's dorm. God knows I need some entertainment right now. I make it to his dorm and bang on the door, waiting for it to open. 

" The fuck do u want- oh, it's you. Come in." He motions for me to come inside and I walk in. I look around the room. It's been a while since I've been in here. 

"So, I have detention with Umbitch later. Plus, I'm bored, so I decided to come here." I sat down on his bed and fiddled with the bedsheet. "You don't have any roommates?" 

He shook his head. " All of them moved out with another person. They thought I was too weird." 

I laugh lightly and stand up to get closer to him. "Their loss." He smiles before quickly changing his expression. He walked back to his bed and sat down looking at the floor. 

"You should go." 

"What? Why? I just got here." 

"Why are you being so nice to be all of a sudden." He quickly stands up and grips my shoulders, asking for an answer.  "Just weeks ago you were calling for my blood!" I try not to flinch, remembering the marks he'd given me last time he'd done so. I kept reminding myself he's a different person now. 

"I trust that you're changing Loren. I really want to." I look up into his eyes. I almost laugh at the thought of our 4 inch height difference. He gently caresses my face and looks down. 

"Snow, you have, you don't know how much that means to me." He looks back up, as he rubs his thumb slowly over my lips. "It's... a completely different feeling." His hand travelled to the back of my head and lifted it slowly to his. Once again, it felt good, but wrong. I tried to push that though at the back of my head.

 When he pulled away he stepped back for a second. 

"Want to be my date to the party?" 

KINDA CRINGY IK but I tried lol. Pls vote and comment if u feel like it <333 

Word Count: 1323

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