Chapter 25: I Told You So

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Mattheo's POV:  

Cue the tissues y'all (idk... maybe?) 

"Father, I told you, I only became aware that she was missing when Mcgonogal made the announcement." 

He scoffed as he paced back and forth with his hand on his chin, as if he was thinking very thoroughly. 

"So tell me, dear son," he mocked at the end, " why I had to hear of this from someone other than you? You should be the first person who I am supposed to find things out from!" His voice raised in undeniable anger at the end. 

"I'm sorry, I really am, but-" 

"Oh shut up, will you? I don't want to hear your silly excuses." 

I cleared my throat, waiting for him to stop pacing before I speak again. "Is there another reason you called me here?" I tried not to shift uncomfortably, but his stare made me want to cower. 

"Well of course," he menacingly said. 

I purse my lips, waiting for him to bear the bad news. 

"We've found Adalie."  

Snow's POV: 

My brain was making me imagine so many things at once. The vague letter. The blood splatter. The unknown owl that sent the letter.

Emergency. Get here now! 


The blood on the letter was what got me moving even quicker. My mind was racing a million miles an hour at the thought of my best friend being in harm's way. Was it Sky's blood? Was it Adalie's? 

Will this plane go any slower? 

There were only two hours left. 

Two Hours Earlier: 

Third Person POV: 

"Yes, my lord," Tyler said obediently. 

"Don't let this go to fail. Remember the objectives. Getting Snow out of hiding and getting Adalie back." 

Tyler nodded once again to Lord Voldemort, before being dismissed. 

"Where is she?" 

Mattheo knew exactly where she was. But he wanted to make sure his Father, or should he say Lord, actually knew where she was. 

"With a pathetic mudblood. Sky Danvers," Voldemort emphasized the name, as if it repulsed him to say it. "Out of everywhere she could choose to go, she chose the mudbloods." 

Mattheo pursed his lips together so he wouldn't say something he regretted. "So what would you like me to do about that, my Lord." 

"Oh please, Mattheo, I'm your father, call me that." 

Mattheo stayed silent, not wanting to call him father. He was anything but. Voldemort turned around, a dangerous look on his face. "Well?" 

"What would you like me to do... father," he finally managed to say. His chest filled with disgust at the mention of calling Old Voldy his father. 

His villianous smile came onto his snake-like face as he motioned to the chair in front of him. "I've figured it's been a while since you've contributed. So I have a task for you, dear son." Mattheo suppressed his urge to gag when he called him 'dear son.' "Now that Snow isn't near Mr.Potter, you will be the one to get what I need from him." 

Mattheo's heart dropped into his stomach and his face went pale. He held his hands together so his father wouldn't see them shaking. 

"Take care of Harry for me..." 

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