Chapter 6: Order of the Phoenix

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One of my favorite songs ever rn: ( don't listen while reading, it won't suit it lol) 

Filler Chapter(short) 

"Dumbledore!" Harry sighed in relief when he saw Dumbledore walk in. His smile faltered however when he walked by without even looking Harry in the eye. He looked at the ministry. It was obvious that the tension in the air had gone up at the sight of such an influential person.  

I'll spare you the horrifying details and words exchanged during the trial. I couldn't believe the ministry was going back on their own rules of using magic in self defense. Extremely corrupt. 

BUT WHEN I TELL YOU Dumbledore called them out of the most shitty things they've done, I had to resist the urge to applaud.  

Finally, came the most tense part of the trial. The vote. I held my breath in anticipation while I waited. I caught Harry's worried eye looking at mine before shifting his attention back at the ministry. 

I sighed of relief when most people voted to pardon him. 

"Cleared of all charges," said Fudge. I finally took a breath and jumped down to say hello to Harry. 

"Dumbledore!" Me and Harry called at the same time, but without looking in our direction for even a second, he vanished away. 

Me and Harry looked at each other in confusion. Had we done something wrong? I don't know about Harry, but the next hour was a blur to me. I don't even remember the events that happened for me to end up here, in an old room. 

I remember blurs of it. I think I did that thing again where I got tired and zoned out randomly. I remember meeting Sirius, Molly, and everyone else again. I also remember hearing about the Order of Phoenix, something about being an army against Voldemort. My brain tapped out after hearing about my parent's involvement.   

"Snow.... Snow... SNOW!" I snap out of whatever I was in and looked up and saw Ron shaking my shoulder. "Where were you?" 

"What? Oh shove off Ron." I pushed him off me and stood up. 

"But I mean don't you agree Snow, that our quote on quote FRIENDS should of told us about the Order?" Harry sounded angry, but also lost, but when I looked at his eyes for answers, I saw no emotion. 

"Oh 100%. I know Dumbledore told you not to, but that is partially his fault and honestly you guys, OF ALL PEOPLE should've known better." I pace around the room as I ramble on and on about how unfair this whole situation is. 

"BOTH OF YOU! Please, be quiet. I mean, we tried using that ear thing the twins have, and we know how that went, the best thing we can do is just.... leave it alone." Hermione braced herself for a response.  

"LEAVE IT ALONE? Hermione for someone so smart, you sure are stupid sometimes. OUR PARENTS KILLER CAME BACK THIS YEAR! AND YOU WANT US TO LEAVE IT ALONE? NO way in hell. You must be.... OUT of your mind." 

I groan and fall backwards on the bed. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. No one speaks to me after my outburst, and I don't blame them. Harry is depressed over something, and to be honest, as selfish as it is, I don't feel the need to ask him about it right now. 

One thing was still lurking at the back of my head. The letters that Mattheo sent to me. I have no idea what the contents could possibly contain. I almost cried at the thought. Maybe Hermione was sort of right, just wait for each event to happen before worrying about it. My first goal is to make it through school this year, which should be pretty easy, get a goddamn boyfriend so I can fucking forget about the mistake relationship I had with Mattheo, and then deal with whatever happens along the way. 

I spent the rest of the night packing instead of sleeping, whenever I tried to go to sleep, my brain did this weird thing where it associated colors with numbers and it drove me crazy. 

A.N: This happens a lot to me for some reason when I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't go to sleep for like another 2 hrs. 

I must've looked like a rabid animal the morning we were supposed to leave because Ginny kept on insisting I take a nap and wash my hair.  

I was just feeling really sluggish for no apparent reason and couldn't find the will to do anything. I practically had to be dragged outside the Order headquarters and into the train station. 

Aight, things WILL get more interesting from here, promise. 

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