Chapter 10: Platform 9 and 3/4

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The NEXT chapter will be the 5000 word one. It might take me a while to write so... 

Snow's POV: 

TW: Depression, mentions of relapse, anxiety, assault

"No thanks," I say as politely as I can. The flight attendant gave a small smile before asking the next passenger if they wanted a beverage. It was nighttime, meaning all the windows on the plane were closed. I was thankful. Looking out the plane window made me feel as if I were falling. There were around 5 more hours left on this stupid flight. Even though, back in California, it was technically only about 10 PM, I still thought I should sleep. I put on a sleeping mask, and I prayed the flight would be over the next time I woke up. 

It was over the next time I woke up. But not in the way I expected. I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake. It was the man I was sitting next too. "Ma'am, wake up! There is terrible turbulence, they said to prepare in case anything happens." 

 I immediately sit up, all alert. A male flight attendant was walking down the alley and quickly grabbed my attention. 

"Are you Snow Potter?" he asked. I nodded. "I need you to come with me right away Ms.Potter." I immediately stand up and follow him to the back of the plane. I was expecting someone else to be there as well, but no. Instead, the moment I stepped inside, the door behind us closed. I looked behind and the calm demeanor of the attendant immediately disappeared. "Well. That was easy." 


"Oh, congratulations, you got me! What package do you need me to deliver this time?" 

He shook his head at my response and stepped a bit closer. I'm sorry, PERSONAL SPACE. Asshole. 

"You don't know who I am. Which is fine. You don't need to. I'm here to fulfill service for the lord." 

I scoff and step back, towards the snack counter. "Your 'Lord" is an A class asshole. What... he hates people who aren't pureblood and yet he's a half-blood himself? Death eaters are a bunch of damn hypocri-" 

I couldn't even finish my sentence before a fist hit my nose, and it came out of FUCKING NOWHERE! "Rude!" When he tries advancing towards me, I simply just knee his stomach, HARD. He falls back, hissing in pain. But of course, I can't do anything else because he pulls out a freaking wand. 

"The less you protest, the less painful these next few steps will be." He advances towards me, his wand in my face. I'm suddenly transported back. Back to years ago. All those spells they threw at me. Experimenting on me with their twisted spells and mind games. 

"The less you protest, the less this will hurt," Gale would say. 

I cower in the corner, completely shutting down. It's as if I was in that situation all over again. No matter how much I told myself I would be braver next time, I never was. I would be weak and make myself suffer at the hands of a person who was no longer even there. All the memories of Sirius which triggered my relapse were flashing by my eyes. The relapse is why I've been feeling like shit this entire summer. 

"THIS, is the great Snow Potter everyone talks about? The one who cowers in the corner? Where is the brave, almighty Snow?" 

Not here, unfortunately. 

He grabbed my arm, despite my trying to pull back. He pushed my back against the wall, holding a huge syringe in his other hand. "Sh, don't scream." I started panicking. My breathing became heavier. I wasn't breathing, I was freaking heaving. I let out a muffled scream when the needle was plunged into my arm. 

"W- what are you going to do with that?" I managed to say through my panicked state. 

"None of your concern." He stuffed the needle in a little plastic bag and dropped me down on the floor. On his way out, he opened the door. 

I stumbled out, in a daze at what just happened. I wasn't in my mind. My mind was outside of my body. They were completely two separate entities at this point. I stumbled back into my seat. My sleeve was pulled over the injection. It hurt. But I couldn't feel it if that makes sense. My mind was in overload, thinking of everything that happened. How I was so weak? I couldn't take care of myself. 

I don't remember what happened after that. All I remember was staring at the blank tv screen in front of me, not even moving an inch until I felt the plane landing on the runway. Even when we were leaving, even when I was in the airport, even when I was picking up my bags, I barely remember anything. All I remember is people giving me looks of concern and disgust. 

That is all I remember for the next week while I stay in that stinky hotel. Pain. Pure pain. Memories are all that flow through my mind. Nothing of the present registers in my mind. My body does it's own thing, while my mind, is working it's hardest just to keep my heart pumping and from going insane. Although, I have a feeling I've already gone insane. 

The Train Station: 

The week was up. I was no better. No worse. Although I don't think I can get any worse than I already am. I'm supposed to meet with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and then sit with Mattheo. I see the three of them, waiting at the pillar for me. I take a deep breath and put on a casual enough smile. Although no amount of concealer or powder could cover my dark circles. I'd have to come up with some excuse. Telling Mattheo would just make him panic. I rush over to them and throw myself into Harry's arms. 

"How are you?" I step back from the hug, genuinely worried for him. "I've been so worried about you." Suddenly, my problems didn't matter. It was them, their health and happiness mattered. 

"Worried about me? I was worried about you!" I scoffed and gave hugs and greetings to Hermione and Ron. "Let's go, or else we'll be late," Harry said. We all rushed through the pillar and entered Platform 9 and 3/4. I bid bye to the three of them and looked around for Mattheo. I looked through the crowd, but couldn't find him. 

"Hello." I flinch and turn around, surprised to see Mattheo. 

"Hello!" I sigh in relief, but I was exhausted. I didn't know how much longer I could keep on the mask before it fell off. 

Ok... so. Uhm, this was a heavy chapter. Lmk your thoughts. I'd love to have discussion about this tbh. Now... the DOC you guys asked for. Uhm... don't make fun of me. Whenever u think of this ff think of the one on Wattpad and not the one on the google docs mkay? It's rly uhm... interesting. 

Grab some cocoa and have fun cringing! For some reason, I'm never able to copy paste stuff from wattpad so ill post the link in the comments as well. If u ever read it, lmk ur thoughts. 

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