Chapter 33: Deranged

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Ginny's POV: 

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Ginny's POV: 

My vision fades from flashes of black and white to full color. I'm laying down in a bed in a dimly lit room. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a figure sitting down. 

Shit. Did they notice me? 

I close my eyes, trying to pretend I'm sleeping. I try to keep my breathing in check. I don't want Tyler to take me away again and use me to harm Snow. I guess I wasn't doing a great job at concealing my panic because Tyler begins moving towards my bed as my breathing picked up. 

"Stay the hell away from me!" I yell out. I see the figure's mouth open but before Tyler can say or do anything to me I pounce forward and pin his arms down. Digging my nails in his hands. I feel so deranged and adrenaline high until I hear a familiar voice.

"Please, Ginny, stop, it's me!" My eyes widen in horror when I realize it's Hermione and I immediately back away. 

"Oh no. Oh no no no no no! Are you ok? " 

Hermione tried catching her breath. "I'm fine. I'll just clean my hands off." 

My chest filled with worry. "Oh no. Please don't tell me I made you bleed?" 

The bathroom sink begins running. "You did. But I'm being serious, it's fine. I understand." Once the water turns off, she turns around and flashes Ginny a smile while wiping a towel over her wrists.  

"Sit down Ginny. We can talk," Hermione said with a smile plastered onto her face. 

Snow's POV: 

"What the fuck?" I mutter. I flinch back in shock when his deranged figure croaks out a few words. 

"Where is it?" In my peripheral vision I can see Mattheo's jaw clenching. Please don't tell me he had anything to do with this. 

"What do you mean Loren, what are you looking for?" I try to ask calmly, as if not to trigger the beast. 

"Shut up Snow, this doesn't involve you." He spat out. He towered over to Mattheo and shook him violently and screamed in such a scary manner. "Where did you put it?!" The desperation in his voice made me both scared but also feel pitiful. 

"Loren, don't!" I get between the two of them and push Loren to the side. 

"Oh, your little girlfriend doesn't know, does she?" He turns to me and puts on a psychotic smile.  "You have fantastic taste Snow. A guy who lies to you and steals." He turns back to Mattheo, who looks as scared as I feel. 

"That was a dumb decision of me and I'm so sorry Loren, "he managed to say. I wanted to know what the fuck was going on, but it wasn't my place just yet. 

"That's what I tried to tell you." His voice dropped dangerously low. "And if you were so sorry, you would give it."  

Mattheo shuddered as he look at Loren. "I- I can't." 

"Oh yeah? And why the fuck not?" He questioned sweetly. 

Mattheo gulped and looked down guiltily. "Cause I burned it." 

Loren's face sets in a petrified look. "You have no idea what you just did." He scoffs and glances at me once more before leaving the room, slamming the door shut on his way. Mattheo finally breathes, after what seems likes forever.  

"Mattheo, what was that all about?" I reluctantly questioned. 

"Um." He runs a hand through his hair while trying to calm his breathing. "I did something, I'm not very proud of," he says slowly. "It was so stupid thinking back on it. I don't even know what I was thinking. It was if someone put some command in me and I was working on autopilot, I couldn't even control it!" 

"Mattheo, you're scaring me. What did you do?" 

He shivers a bit. "I swear, I don't even know why I did it. You have to believe me, Snow!" 

"At least tell me what you did!"  

"He was being insane. Just creeping around campus, and reading those stupid letters-" 

"Wait, he kept those letters?" 

He nodded before continuing. "And it was just.. so annoying. It's as if he was going slowly insane of his friends who died a long time ago. People he killed! And I guess my stupidity got the better of me and I-" he cleared his throat and shook his head while looking down. 

"What- what did you do?" 

"I burned the letters," he blurted out. Immediately, I could see the guilt and regret register on his face. 

To anyone who doesn't know the significance of these letters, they would think Mattheo did the psychopath a favor. Burning letters he wrote to dead people. But to someone else, a.k.a, me, who knows how these helped him keep his guilt in check, I knew what a terrible thing Mattheo just did. 

"Mattheo you know how fucking important those letters were to him!" I shouted out. I don't even know why the fuck I was shouting but it was so upsetting and shocking that Mattheo did that. 

"I know! I don't even know why I did it, I told you!" He rubbed his hands through his hair. "I- I'm just so sorry, Snow." 

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. And you know how smart Loren is, he'll make your life such a living hell that you won't be able to tell reality from a dream!" I exclaimed. "How. How can you do this. I trusted that you're a good person and you do shitty things like this!" 

"I never said I'm a good person Snow." He began yelling back at me.

"Oh, you made that so clear when you kept running after me!" 

He scoffed. "Because I love you! Why the fuck else would I want to date you?" 

"Oh, I dunno, cause you're a fucking Riddle who might have ulterior motives! I try so hard to defend you and then you do something like this that makes me feel dumb as fuck for doing so!" I retort back.  

"Well if you feel like I'm such a fucking bad person, then leave!" 

In a fit of rage, I didn't even feel offended by what he said. "I guess I fucking will then!" I stomped over to the door and right before I slammed it shut I said one last thing. "Go choke on Malfoy's dick Riddle." I slammed the door and began walking out, ignoring the stares of all the Slytherin boys on the floor.  

Once anger left I immediately sulked in my room. 


Hey guys. Ik Snow overreacted but ill try to explain that more in the next chapter. srry for the long wait lol. Idek where I was tryna go with this chapter but hopefully u guys liked it :)) 

Word Count: 1154

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