Chapter 19: The Letters

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AIGHT! So there r some cringe parts here but I swear I tried lol.... Ik it took me a while to do 5000 but I rly tried lol. 

My quill lazily dragged against my parchment. History of Magic couldn't possibly get anymore boring. I already finished all the classwork after Professor Binns gave just 5 minutes of instruction before telling us to do a worksheet. I dragged my quill, letting my hand do whatever it desired on the empty sheet of parchment paper. When class ended, I fully focused on what I created. The only thing I saw was random scribbles and lines and weirdly deformed geometric shapes.

Harry exited his desk where he was sitting next to me, reminding me we had to switch classes. I picked up my bag and walked over to Transfiguration, which was thankfully the last class of the day. I walked in and realized most of the classroom was already filled. Not only that, but I was already feeling groggy, so I didn't really pay attention to where I was sitting. I was really upset when I ended up sitting next to Hermione. It's not like I hated her, but if I wasn't focusing 100% during class, she will definitely make sure I do.

Thankfully, we only had to study for our upcoming test, so it was a silent-maintained period. All I had to do was occasionally act like I was writing something on a piece of parchment paper. Hermione kept shooting me weird looks during the class. At one point, she glanced over at my paper, and shook her head in disappointment. I rolled my eyes and made a point to only scribble on my paper for the rest of the class.

Finally, when class ended, I automatically made it to the Ravenclaw dorms. Loren was already in there by the time I reached. He smiled when he saw me. "Hey Loren!" He got up and hugged me to greet me.

"What was up with Mcgonagall and Mattheo this morning?" I could hear the worry in his voice. I shook my head as if it were no big deal, yet really it was.

"Oh, nothing," I said sarcastically. "Mattheo just snitched on me for being out after hours, and now I have detention with him on my birthday at 10pm. Isn't that just lovely?" I flop down on my back onto his bed, extremely upset for what's to happen tonight.

"Not going to pretend like I'm happy about what's going to happen. He really needs to get rid of his obsession with you. I don't like it." I turn on my stomach to face him.

"Jealousy looks hot on you, Mr. Gray," I say flirtatiously.

"Oh yeah?" He smirks, going on top of me, kissing me and caressing my face. "You can't just say I look hot in general?" he jokes. I shrug my shoulders teasingly before hungrily kissing him again, pulling him closer by his collar.

Five minutes later, I'm working on my potion's homework while he works on his transfiguration homework. We discussed our day occasionally until I think I should bring up the topic of the letters.

"He instructed me to bring his letters."

"What letters?"

I take a deep breath, praying for an undramatic response. "He sent me letters during break, and he found out I didn't even read any of them, so he's probably going to force me to read them during detention."

He doesn't say anything and just turns back to his homework, his jaw clenched.

"Hey, I promise you, I'll be fine," I reassured him.

"That's not what I'm worried about, Snow. His obsession, it's scary, and I don't like it, it's weird and frankly, kind of worrisome." He turns back to his homework, not uttering a single word after that. Once it reached around 6 pm, I thought I should probably leave.

"Hey, I'm going to leave now, I should probably get together with my friends," I softly spoke. He nodded with a smile on his face, before turning back to his work. I could tell things were fine between us, but he definitely had growing hate for Mattheo. I met with Ron and Luna at the Black Lake, eating pastries and complaining about school. Just typical conversations. Somehow, the conversation shifted over to Cho Chang.

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