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Sneak Peek to my Tom Riddle FF: Lemme know what you guys think! 

"Come out, I know you're here, somewhere, and I know you saw me," he said. 

I kept my breathing steady, he couldn't hear me, I never meant to catch him kill someone. I felt his presence ahead of the huge pillar I was standing behind. "I know you're behind there love, come out." 

I slowly stepped out, keeping my breathing steady, if I had my wand I would blow him up into oblivion, I have done so before. 

"Hello love," he said sweetly. "Care to tell me what you were doing in that classroom in the late hours of night?" He stepped closer to me, but for every step he took I took one back, until my back hit the pillar behind me. 

"I was just walking by, and I saw the classroom was empty and-" I gasped at his cold touch, his fingers trailing my neck. 

"Go on." 

My breath hitched as I tried to continue. "Uhm. I saw someone was inside and I wanted to leave them alone so I left." That wasn't the truth. I saw him kill someone. That is what happened. I saw it in my visions and my vision turned out to be true. 

"I think we both know that's a lie love," he moved all his fingers onto my neck and firmly gripped it. "You saw me kill him." 

"Tom-" I try clawing at his hand but it's no use, his other hand has my arms pinned. "I can't breathe," I cough out. 

He suddenly lets go, and I fall down to catch my breath. "What am I going to do with you... hmm?" 

"What do you mean." I cough again, still trying to catch my breath. He turned around and began speaking. 

"I can't have you running around the entirety of Hogwarts, telling everyone what I did. Everyone would believe you. But I can't kill you either, for some.... aching reason which I don't understand, my conscious wouldn't allow it...." I couldn't even tell if he was talking to me or himself. 

He turned back around and put a smirk on his face. He kneeled down to my level and pulled me closer to him by my robe. 

"Please don't kill me," I muttered. 

"Oh darling I'm not going to kill you. If I'm being honest, it's funny to see someone who is oh so tough to crack under my pressure." 

He pointed his wand at me and sighed. 


Here's a sample for my soon coming Tom Riddle ff. Lmk what u guys think of the prologue hehe. 

Feeling Again-Mattheo Riddle;Book 2Where stories live. Discover now