Chapter 27: Adalie

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My mouth gaped open, forming an O. "Say what?" 

He smiled genuinely, and I could practically see him glowing. "She's ten years old, her name is Adalie." 

I can't help but coo at the name. "That's such an amazing name! Why'd you never tell me?" 

"I only found out this summer. I guess my mother gave birth to her a few months before her death." 

I don't even need to ask Mattheo because just by the look on his face, I know he already has immense love for Adalie. But my face suddenly falls into a frown. "Wait.... what about your father. Does he know?" 

His smile disappears and his knuckles turn white as he tightens his hand around the table. "He knew. For 10 fucking years of my life, he knew she was alive." 

"B-but where was she raised? Did some death eater or muggle take care of her." 

He blinks rapidly and looking around, as if he's scared for someone else to hear us. "I- I'm sorry, I don't know why I mentioned her, this was supposed to be a fun, carefree kinda date, not the serious convo kind." He buries his face in his hands and slowly runs them through his hair. I rest my hand on his back, rubbing it up and down in an attempt to be soothing. 

"It's fine Mattheo, you've nothing to apologize for." He keeps his face down and refuses to look up so I grab his arm and starting pulling him up. "Let's go to your dorm and talk, ok?" 

"That sounds like a better idea." We walk in silence to the castle. I know he's trying to think of what to say to describe Adalie for me, and I give him space to think about it. It's amazing to think he now has a family member he can love. Once we reach the doors of his dorm and enter, we both sit down at the table and I wait patiently for him to speak. 

"Adalie is 10 years old and she was living at the Malfoy Manor.... this entire time. The entire time I lived there for the last 10 years, my sister was in the cellar," his voice cracked when he mentioned his sister's conditions of living. 

Oh shit. 

"Uhm," he cleared his throat, as if trying not to get angry while he spoke. "She's tougher than she should be. Less innocent than she should be. Her entire childhood was ripped away from her. She has faced more at that age than I did. She's had to learn duelling way earlier than expected." He sniffs and notice his eyes get glassy as be speaks. "She's.. COVERED. In bruises and cuts. She barely talks to anyone without being extremely shielded. It hurts, seeing such a young person having to face so much trauma. It's so fucking unfair!" 

I have no idea what to say. I can't believe this. He had a sister, and he has to face the fact he couldn't do anything to protect her. "She's lucky to have you Mattheo. I have no doubt you took care of her." 

"I- I tried. I tried saving her, I tried confronting my father about it, but he just brushed it off." His face plastered a small smile after a while however. "But I mean... I was able to talk to her. Show her how a child really should behave," he chuckled as if recalling something. "She's a lot like you actually. She's very sarcastic." 

My heart's practically melting, I swear. "I know, she's my sister and I only met her a few months ago, but every second I have, I'm thinking if she's eating, if father's treating her well, if she's even alive! If she even likes me, knows how much I love her." 

He is such a dummy sometimes. I turn his face to look at mine and smile. "Just from hearing you talk about her Mattheo, I know how much you love her. And if I can understand that just from you talking about her for less than an hour, imagine how much she must know that based on your actions with her. You're a good person Mattheo, don't discredit yourself for it." 

He finally fully smiles and puts his head on my shoulder, and I feel his smile against my shoulder. "You two are the only people I love in this entire fucking world." 

I almost stop breathing for a second. I lift his face up and smirk at him. "You love me?" 

"Snow, you're so stupid sometimes, how many times do I have to say it!" he exclaims. I guffaw at his reaction and lay back on the bed. 

"I think i have the best boyfriend in the world," I sneakily say. 

"Did you just tell me that I'm your boyfriend?" 

I look up at him and just shrug my shoulders. "Up to you Mr.Riddle." 

He smiles and just kisses me gently on my forehead. I think I got my answer. 

"You should see her. Adalie, I mean, during winter break." 

He nods, thinking about my suggestion. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just... I'm so ANGRY! So angry at my father for hiding her for so long. Making her mature much faster than she had to." I sit up in my chair suddenly. 

"Hold on...." I stand up and start ruffling through his desk. 

"What're you doing?" 

I sigh in relief when I find parchment and a pen in his desk. I quickly scribble down a note. "Damn it, I can't believe I didn't think about this before," I mutter. 

"What? What didn't you think about?" 

I turn around after a minute and hold up the letter. "Do you have an owl?" 

He shakes his head no and I run out of his dorm. "SNOW?" 


I begin running in excitement to the owlery. When we reach the owlery, before I can pick and owl, he turns me around by my shoulder. "Snow, what are you doing?" 

"I know who Adalie can go to! I've never thought about it before!" 

His face brightens up. "Who?" 

"I made a friend in America over the summer. His name is Sky. I promised to keep in touch with him but I never did, and I just remembered now! Don't worry, I trust his completely and he's great with kids! He's around your age, lives in his own apartment, and has a stable job. He can take care of your sister! And I have a goddamn plan." 

He laughs of relief and slides down against the floor. I give the letter to an owl and she flies off. I turn around and see Mattheo having a few tears out of his eyes. "Oh my god. Snow, you're fucking perfect." He stands up and cups my face with a smile and a few tears running down his face. "Thank you. Thank you... so fucking much. You have no idea how much this means to me." I wrap my arms around his neck, I couldn't contain my smile either. 

"It's the bare minimum Mattheo. You and your sister deserve happiness." His eyes soften and show so much love that I want to cry in giddiness. 

He cups the back of my head and gently kisses me.  "God I love you," he murmured as he kissed me, over and over and over again. 

Hopefully this made more sense. I tried, and hopefully you liked this chapter, thanks! :)) 

Word Count: 1250

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