Chapter 1: Adalie's Rescue

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TW + Regular Warnings: Abuse and a ten year old cursing

Two knocks on the door of the basement made me aware that someone was about to enter. I got up from the bed I was laying down on before I heard footsteps coming down. 

"Adalie?" A man's voice called out. It was Gale. "It's Gale, I've brought you water." He stepped by and handed me a water bottle. "Drink up." 

"How does Tyler feel, knowing his own father is such an asshole?" I ask. His son, Tyler, was made a death eater a couple years ago. He was one of the, no, THE, youngest death eater ever. 

"You say that is if I chose this path. Adalie, there are things you don't understand!" 

I scoff, picking up the water bottle and drowning half of it before angrily throwing the bottle at the wall. "I don't understand because no one tells me anything! I'm young, not stupid. I know we kill people. I've killed people! So what's everyone shielding me from?" 

He gets down on his knees so he's at my level. "We're not shielding you from anyone. We're shielding you from others. You're dangerous." 

"Me? A ten year old who's been trapped in a basement her entire life- DANGEROUS?" 

"YES! Yes, you're dangerous. That's why you're in here. And you will remain in here until your father decides so otherwise." He gets up, angrily beginning to stomp away. 



"Get me another water bottle, please?" 

He gave a one puff laugh before getting dangerously close to me. "You shouldn't have acted like a fucking toddler and throw it across the room! It's your funeral." He begins to turn around and start walking away. Anger inside me bubbles up like nothing before. I've felt anger before, and this just isn't it. It's different. It's exhilarating. 

"Gale. I asked for water, I didn't ask for you to take me to a damn waterpark!"  

"And I didn't ask for your attitude, now shut up!" He walks away one last time. My eyes bore into the back of his head. It spills over. All my anger. Before I can even blink, Gale falls onto the ground, crying out in pain. "What are you doing!" I didn't say anything because I had no idea if I was the one doing it. 

"Will you get me fucking water now?" 

His nose starts to bleed and screams in agony. "I UNDERSTAND. I'LL GET IT. NOW PLEASE STOP!" 

Those words of reassurance were all I needed. I blinked, which helped get rid of the feeling and Gale's screams stopped intruding the room. He got up, slightly shaking, and headed out the room, or should I say basement?  

"Get rid of that attitude before your brother gets here. School's over for them and your father will be in a terrible mood after that loss." 

"No killer is a father of mine," I calmly state. A silence invades the room before the slam of the door is heard. I lay back down on the bed. You're probably wondering what I do in a dim lit basement everyday, let me tell you. 

8:00 AM: Wake up and make my bed. I know, I'm such a productive, little angel. 

8:05 AM: Workout (Habit I picked up from my pathetic excuse of a friend) + Shower 

9:30 AM: Eat breakfast if I'm lucky to get any. 

10:00 AM: Study. I've self taught myself magic, and let's just say half the death eaters are afraid to come in the vicinity of my room. 

2:00 PM: Lunch. 

3:00 PM: Wallow in self pity, study some more. 

7:00 PM: If I'm lucky, I'll get 20 minutes of heavily supervised outside time once a month.  

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